My boy, Parker

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*Eleanor's POV*

They say they can't do anything Bout Holly cause we had no legal court custody papers and he is the biological father. I know she is ok. I've seen pictures of her with them at airports. Anyway Parker needs me, and I guess I need him.

He is 6 months nearly and is gorgeous. It's January 2014! A year since that night everything went wrong. One direction are still going though but are now a 4 piece after Louis called and said he quit. I feel this is all my fault!

"El, how is my baby?" Beth screamed as I got off the train in Manchester.

"He's fine! Getting bigger everyday." I replied to my adopted mum.

"I meant you honey but that's good isn't it my little Parker?" She said cooing at my little boy in the pram.

"I miss Holly everyday, but Louis wouldn't hurt her. Im sure she is fine." I whispered. Beth just put her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I smelled the sweet scent of home and it brought tears in my eyes. I still remember the day I was brought here for the first time........


I had hold of Benjamin and I was holding Georgia's hand as we stepped out of this strangers car. I can't believe I would never have to see my 'uncle' again.

"Eleanor, this is your room honey. We can decorate it tomorrow if you like" Beth told me. It was nice and big and I could make it however I wanted it to be.

Later on that night, Ben and Georgia was asleep and I was in my bed. I couldn't get to sleep I was scared.

I made my way downstairs and I went into the kitchen and sat next to the wall holding on to mums lucky charm braclet. Some luck that has brought me. I began to cry.

"Eleanor? Are you okay?" I heard a voice say but my eyes were closed. Next thing I knew these soft arms were wrapped around me and I was carried to the couch.

"Eleanor, look at me." I looked up at Beth. She was really pretty I had only just noticed this as I didn't look at her all day.

"I promise to you I will look after you. I am 23 only 10 years older then you honey. I work as a nursery school teacher and an on call emergency foster mum. I already live you and Georgia and Benjamin and I promise I will look after you forever"

"I know" I managed to whisper and I buried my head into her.


"El, you ok baby?" Beth asked snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah, just thinking"

"We pulled up infront of my home and I jumped out the car and was greeted by Benjamin jumping on me.

"Hey Ben, you've grown since Christmas haven't you. My little brother is how old now? Nine." I said winding my younger brother up!

"No. Im ten you know that. Shut up El!" He shouted back at me.

"Oooo is someone getting into a moody pre-teen? Guess he won't want his present then" Ben's face lit up and he hugged me once again and I gave him his present. 3 ps3 games.

"Thanks El. Better then what Georgia got me."

"Oh yeah. Where is my baby sister?" I asked Beth.

"Domestic issues with boys. Got caught in a triangle. My girls are struggling with the boys at the minute" she laughed and walked inside carrying Parker.

I ran upstairs to my Georgia's room.

"Hey baby sis" I shouted running in and jumping on her.

"Eleanor. I don't care get off me!" She giggled then hugged me.

"Boyfriend issues?" I asked and she

nodded showing me two pictures of these really fit guys.

"So, How's it going El? You missing Juli... I mean Holly?"

"Yeah, everyday but Louis would take good care of her. Anyway. I have Parker to think of now."

"What about Mr. Styles?" She asked smirking.

"Ahaha, well he is so sweet and he is a great boyfriend but I don't think I will ever love him as much as Louis." I replied.

I did love Hazza but I only needed one man in my life at the minute and that's Parker..........


Parker woke up crying. I picked him up out of his cot and rocked him gently.

"Hey little man it's okay, mummy's here. You know I love you. I promise I will get your sister back. Even though your a baby, your her twin and you must miss her. Your the only person I who needs me at the minute and I promise I will take care of you Parker cause your my little boy" the talking to him worked and he fell asleep. I heard footsteps downstairs and I realised Beth was still up. I was awake now and I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep.

"Hey." I whispered as I got downstairs.

"Eleanor, why you not asleep?" god she is worse then Dani. Even though she is my mum she is only 10 years older then me.

"Parker woke me up and I got him back to sleep then I heard you." I said in a rather innocent voice.

Beth moved up on the couch and I went and sat next to her. She hugged me like the first day we met.

I must off fell asleep because I woke up with a blanket over me.

My phone began to rang.........


A/N- hey hope you liked chapter 9. Im enjoying this story but I am starting another at the minute called The Payne in my heart. It's about a girl who gets bullied and then meets Liam.

What could go wrong?

Next chapter is going to be the same time as this and finish with the phone call.

Thanks for reading!

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