The arguement

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*Harry's POV*

I can't believe Louis is back. I think Eleanor loves him. And honestly that is a good thing. I found this girl that night they went to get Holly. Mia. I did it with her and we have been messaging wet since.

"El, I have something to tell you" I told her when I entered her apartment.

"Yeah, me to"

"Oh well so you want to go first?" I asked.

"Harry, I love you but I think I only got with you cause I was hurting inside and Louis has changed now so I was thinking of......." I cut her off by laughing


"Well I always knew you loved Lou, El and accidentally I slept with a girl the other day. Your nor mad are you if we call it off and just be friends?" She taced me into a hug.

"That would be great"


*Louis' POV*

There was a knock at my apartment door. I got up to answer it. Stood infront of me were Harry, Eleanor, Parker and Holly.

"Hey guys come in" I smiled and they walked inside.

"Lou we have something to tell you" Harry's low deep voice said. "We have broken up because this wasn't going right"

"Louis, I forgive you. I want me,you, Parker and Holly to be a family. I love you boobear!" She jumped into my arms and I kissed her. How I missed them lovely kisses!

"I love you too Elbear"

"Can you do a favour for me? Will you mind the twins tonight so I can have the girls night in?"

"Sure honey, they are mine aswell!" I exclaimed


*Eleanor's POV*

I invited Dani around for a girls night in, oh and Perrie aswell.

"Hey Perrie" I hugged her as she came through the door.

"Hey Eleanor is Kenna not coming?" Perrie asked.

"No she is sick" I replied casually.

"Ahahaha as if she is so knocked up!" Perrie laughed

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Eleanor I was there when you first told everyone. She has been throwing up for a couple of weeks and I swear she is wearing baggy clothes" I giggled at Perries theory.


I answered the door to be greeted by a massive bear hug from Dani.

"Hey, I've missed you baby" yep bring on the fucking protective Dani again. Wait till I tell her about Louis......

We stayed up watching movies in my apartment.

"Or we are out of soda. Gonna go to the shop next door be back soon" Perrie called over to us.

"Right" we shouted back. Now is my chance to tell dani, calmly.

"Dan... I have to tell you something?" I Said but it came out as a question.

*Dani's POV*

"What's that hun?" I asked pulling her closer to me as I heard her breathing quicken. What was up with her?

"I-I am getting back with urm Lou" she stuttered.

"What?" I asked angrily!

"Please Dani don't be annoyed with me" she said moving away from me.

"After everything he has done to you! He hit you and stole Holly!"

"He has changed Danielle! And even you need to admit that" she shouted back.

"Please Eleanor! You get back with him and I won't be there for you!" I spat back.

"I don't need you! Just cause I had a bad childhood doesn't mean I need to be protected! I am 20 years old and have 2 children! I am not a baby" she screamed trying to hold back the tears in her eyes. And me with mine.

"You can't look after them kids your still a child at heart. They would be better up for adoption" shit. I didn't mean that!

"Fucking bitch" she had tears streaming down her face and her hand came on contact with my cheek!

I gasped then went to do the same back. I stopped myself, remembering that day Louis stood over her. Me protecting her. I turned around and stormed out.

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