Chapter 1

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Art not by me

Dream's POV

Being alone never felt right. Sometimes it felt good, but never right. I don't know how to describe it other than I didn't necessarily feel sad or happy, but I just felt. I liked being alone, but I hated being lonely and that was the hardest part because most of the time me being alone wasn't a choice and it didn't feel good because it was gifted by others. People always said I was a little too much. So, they pulled back, made other plans and I ended up alone again. I learned to not get too attached because that's the reason it hurt so much. Being alone is a power that very few can handle, and I guess I am a part of the very few that can.

"Get up! It's 10 AM!" I hear Jason shout from downstairs. I sit up and check the time, he's right, it is 10 AM. The only reason I listen is that Jason is the laziest person in the world. He's never up in the morning, he barely ever even talks to me, let alone wake me up.

Getting out of bed, I don't bother getting into school uniform; I never go to school and even when I do, I would never in a million years wear that ugly uniform. I walk downstairs in my PJs to see Jason sitting on the couch with Dadza.

Dadza is my friend Wilbur's dad, Phil. Wilbur and his brother call him Dadza so I do too. Jason is my birth father, but I refuse to treat him like it, if he wanted to be treated like my dad, he should start acting like it; he doesn't even remember my birthday, Phil does.

"Dadza? What are you doing here?" I say walking up to them.

"Hey Dream," that's not my name; my name is actually Clay, but everyone calls me Dream, no idea where it came from,

"Techno and Wilbur are going on a trip to Hawaii and wanted you to come so I was just checking with your dad if that's ok." He continues, looking between me and Jason a bit.

Techno is Phil's middle child (Wilbur is the oldest and they have a little brother named Tommy). I've never really spoken to him, he's very quiet, but he's my age and seems cool so this sounds great.

I look towards Jason. I really dislike him, I can't say I hate him; 'hate' is a strong word and I mean he does feed me sometimes which is a point to him, I guess.

He stares me down for a second before saying, "Do what you want." and heading upstairs for the rest of the day.

I would be lying if I didn't say it hurt a little. Sure, I want to go on the trip, but Jason is still my birth father, and he doesn't care one bit about me going abroad with some kids he's never met.

Dadza puts his hand on my shoulder, somehow, he always knows when something is wrong. I lean into his touch a bit, he's a natural father. Best around by far.

We talk for a little bit about the trip before he leaves for work. The trip is in 5 weeks and it's for 3 weeks. Expensive as hell but Phil has a well-paying job as a game developer and has also made a tonne of money from a game, he released a while ago. It's called Minecraft and just last year it made $500 million. Despite this I still feel bad using his money, he's done so much for me, and I'll probably never be able to pay him back.

I decide to text Wilbur and ask about the trip; I've got nothing else to do and all I know is when it's happening, so I think 'why not?'


Me: Hey Wil, what's happening about the trip to Hawaii??

Even though he's in class he'll probably answer soon, unless it's music class then no one will hear a word from him unless it's a part of one of his new songs.

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