Chapter 7

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(Art - James Nelson Lewis "Beach Path")

It was around 10:30 and since they were all tired from the long plane journeys, everyone was sound asleep. Everyone except Dream. Dream hadn't been able to sleep for the past week and he was fairly sure he wasn't going to be able to anytime soon.

Dream's POV

I was just lying on the sofa, thinking of something to do when I remembered I had to text Toby.

TubboMe: Hey :)Me: Sorry it took me so long to text, was unpacking Tubbo: that's okkk! I was just scared you wouldn't :( Me: Of course, I promised. When have I ever broken a promise? Tubbo: Never Tubbo: so whats it like there Me: It's nice, awkward since I'm sharing a room with Techno Me: How was school yesterday? Tubbo: it was great! Tubbo: me and ranboo continued planning our wedding Me: Right, Ranboo, your future platonic husband. How are they? Tubbo: they're good they told me to tell you hi for them Me: Well, tell them I said hi back :) Tubbo: I will! I have a question then puffy says I have to sleep Me: Ok hit me Tubbo: Can mum come to mine and Ranboos wedding??? Me: ... Me: We'll see :) Tubbo: Ok :) Tubbo: Night clay!! Me: Goodnight, Toby

Goddammit, that boy.

3rd person POV

Dream got up and walked to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror, he looked at the silent tears streaming down his face. Their mom left when Dream was around 7 years old. She was such a kind woman but just like everyone else, Jason pushed her away.

After a second, Dream splashed some water in their face to wash away the toxic tears and walked back into the bedroom. On the bed their laid Techno. He looked so peaceful. Dream turned his head to the nightstand and saw a book. The Art of War by Sun Tzu. He had heard of the book before but had never got the chance to read it. He looked back at Techno. 'I'm sure he won't mind' thought Dream as he reached for the book.

Around an hour later, He had finished reading. He put the book back and left a note saying hey piggy :) Sorry I read your book without asking but like Sun Tzu said "Fight the enemy where they aren't"

Dream went back to the sofa and messed about on his phone, knowing he wouldn't be able to sleep.

6:34AM At some point, Dream had made his way to the nicely decorated living room. Wilbur had just woken up and decided to join him on the sofa.

"Hey, we don't have any food. Wanna come with me to get some?" Dream just looked at him.

Wilbur's POV Dream still looked off. There's something wrong. I know there is, but he clearly doesn't want to talk about it. Me and Schlatt decided to put Operation DNB on hold, until we knew they were both okay, and then we would make a new plan because, in all honesty, the old one was shit.

"Do you even know where the store is?" He smiled. It wasn't the brightest smile but at least it was a smile.

"We can go hunt for it like a manhunt." I gave him a bigger smile and he did seem to cheer up.

40 minutes later

Okay so going to look for a store, in a new country, with no data, so no google maps, was a bad idea. At least Dream looks like he's actually having fun now. Maybe I could ask him what happened.

"So why did you cancel coming over? I was looking forward to pissing off Tommy for a whole week with you." I tried my best to make the question seem light-hearted. I know the answer isn't, but I guess he doesn't have to tell me, I just wish I could help more.

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