chapter 3

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ace sat on the bed next to me. i felt his arm hesitantly wrap around my shoulder. i rest my head on his shoulder and start to cry. i didn't know what to do at this point. josh was diagnosed with anger issues at a young age. but it was always worse when he would drink. there were times when he would hit me but nobody knew.

ace wiped a tear off my cheek and rubbed my arm. there was a knock on the bedroom door. we turn and look to see harley and alec standing in the doorway. i stand up and make my way to harley. she hugs me tight while i sob in her arms.

alec walks towards ace and he doesn't look happy.

"alec wait" i say as i depart harleys arms. "let him explain"

ace explains everything that happened to harley and alec exactly like he told me. while he finished telling them what happened i looked at my phone to see 3 texts from josh.

josh <3

baby please let me explain

im so sorry it happened
it won't happen again
i promise

please answer me

i sat there and looked at the messages. i didn't know what to say. i got up and went to the bathroom. i closed the door and clicked josh's contact. i looked at the call button deciding if i should or not. i clicked it hesitantly and put the phone to my ear. he answered on the first ring.

"baby please let me explain. i'm so sorry and-" i cut him off.

"josh we need to talk." he went silent. i was trying to think of what to say. my mind was going 100 miles an hour.

"okay baby what's going on?" he responded. here goes nothing.

"first of all; please stop calling me baby. you do not have the right to even call me that after what you did to me. second of all; you always say it won't happen again and it does. every. fucking. time. i'm so sick of it josh. we have been together for 2 whole years and i feel like the past year and a half i have been trapped in a prison i can't escape. i cant do this anymore. josh we are done. do not call me. do not text me. do not try to talk to me when you see me and do not even try to come by my house. i'll deliver your stuff through mail. bye josh." i said and hung up. i didn't even want to give him the chance to respond. i open the door to see the three of them looking at me.

"i'm so proud of you lane" harley said. she stood up and hugged me.

"me too. that took a lot of guts" said alec. he hugged me next.

ace stayed quiet. he stood up and looked at me with so much concern.

"are you okay lane?" he asked. i nodded at him. he opened up his arms for a hug and i gave him a quick hug before leaving his house to go back home.

authors note:
hey guys!!! isn't that a real turn of events!!! also i forgot to mention that lane, alec, and harley all live together! ace lives by himself! also josh is not gone just yet. he will continue to appear in the story as it goes on. and when new characters join i will make a cast page just like the first one!!

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