chapter 7

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2 days later
i sat on my bed staring at the ceiling. what happened between ace and i two days ago kept replaying in my head. over and over and over. his touch. the kiss. just everything that happened. i needed to talk to him.

i reached for my phone and saw a text message. josh. why couldn't he get the hint? i don't wanna talk to him. i didn't even look at the message. i went to his contact and blocked it. try to reach out to me now. i went to text ace.


hey you. are you
free today by

for you i am :)

okay you :) i'll be
there soon

i got out of bed and went to the bathroom. i took a quick shower and washed my face. i brushed my teeth quickly and got dressed. i snatched my keys and ran out the bedroom door almost knocking alec out in the process.

"woah woah woah. slow down there track star" he said. i laughed at this. i used to do track but after i got injured my sophomore year i never did it since. everytime i run or do anything remotely related to track they call me a track star. it was kind of our thing.

"sorry. just in a hurry. gotta get to aces house" i said. alec grew a smirk on his face and with that i ran down the stairs and out of the door.


i sat in the car stared at the giant house in front of me. i never understood why one person would need such a big house. but he is the one who throws all the parties. he is very well known around here.

the last time i was here was when he told me everything that happened with josh. it almost felt like it was gonna happen all over again. what if the couch i sat as was still in the same spot. i'd have major ptsd.

i shook all the negative thoughts from my head and got out of my car. as i started walking up the front door opened. there stood ace. he had no shirt on and great sweats. he looked so good with no shirt on.

"hi there" i said as i got to the door. he pulled me in for a hug. the feeling of his skin sent jolts down my whole body. i almost lost my balance.

"hello beautiful" he responded. i could feel myself melting in his arms. he pulled apart and let me inside the house. the couch was gone.

"where is the couch?" i asked him. i was very curious but also very happy it was not there.

"i knew you had bad memories with it so i threw it away. plus there was beer and wine stains all over it so it needed to go anyways" his cheeks started to flush.

"that is so sweet ace. thank you" i said while putting my hand on his shoulder. he looked at me, smiled, then looked at the ground.

"can we talk about what happened a couple day ago?" he asked. i nodded my head. he grabbed my hand and walked me up the stairs to his bedroom.


maybe it was because i didn't have a hangover but his room looked different. cleaner even. he must have saw that i noticed.

"i wanted it to look more neat. not super sloppy like it did when you first saw it" god he was so cute.


we talked for hours about what had happened between us two days ago. we talked about how this would have to be something on the down low for a bit until i knew for sure that josh was done trying to reach me.

after the talk we decided to cuddle and watch a movie. halfway through the movie ace sat up and gave me a look. i looked at him and realized what the look meant. i sat up and looked him in the eyes.

he grabbed my cheeks and kissed me. this kiss was different. more passion but also at the same time it was more rough. his hand lowered to my waist as he lowered me to the bed and got on top.

authors note
okay guys! so the next chapter is gonna be mature content only. if you aren't comfortable reading it then don't. just skip and go to the next chapter! you won't miss anything :)

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