chapter 4

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as soon as lane, alec, and harley left i crashed. i don't know how long i was asleep for. when i woke up i grabbed my phone to check the time. 3:45. i had slept most of the day away. i looked at my messages and saw two new ones from alec.

hey man

i just wanna say thank
you again for helping
lane. i appreciate it

of course man. glad i
could help out

i sat up and decided i should go over to alec and harleys. i knew lane stayed with them and maybe i could talk to her and make sure she was okay.


the whole ride there my mind was going 80 mph. what if she didn't wanna speak to me? what if josh was there? what if she wasn't there? before i knew it i was in the driveway. i sat there for a good 5 minutes before i got out of the car.

i went to the door and stood there. i was second guessing myself. maybe this wasn't a good idea. as i went to knock on the door it opened. it was lane. her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing sweats and an oversized shirt. she looked so good.

"hi" i said to her. she looked like she had been crying for hours. she looked at me and gave a small smile.

"hi" she said. she cracked the door open more so i could come in.

"i probably should've let you know i was coming over. i'm sorry about that" i said nervously. she shook her head.

"no it's fine really. i was actually hoping to see you" she said. that sentence made my heart skip a beat. what was wrong with me?!

"oh. well are you okay?" i asked. what a stupid question. obviously she wasn't okay. she just went through a horrible breakup. who would be okay after that?

"actually i am. i let everything out a couple hours ago and it felt really good" she responded. her answer shocked me. but she is very strong. i should've known she could have gotten through this. she looked up at me and smiled softly.

"im glad you are okay. he seemed like such a douche" i said. with that sentence a small smile overcame her face. she started giggling.

"what's so funny?" i said. i was worried i said something wrong.

"i just can't believe i let all that happen for so long. it just baffles me that i let it happen for so long. god i'm an idiot" she responded. her small giggles slowly stopped and i saw her look at the floor. i grabbed her chin and pulled her eyes to mine.

"you are not an idiot. you were blind to it. that's what love does to you" i responded. who knew someone who has never been in love knew so much. with that she smiled. i wiped the tears off her cheeks and pulled her in for a hug. she held me tight.

alec and harley started walking down the stairs. we turned and saw them and broke the hug apart very fast. they laughed at us.

"we already saw you guys hugging. don't stop on our account" alec said.

we looked at each other and laughed. i cant explain the feeling i got seeing her laugh. she looked happy. and it didn't look fake. i could get used to this. okay what is wrong with me?!

authors note:
hey guys!! it looks like ace has something for lane. is he gonna try to turn off his feelings for her or do you guys think he is gonna try things with her? find out soon!!

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