89. Completely Delectable

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Brian breathes out, a long sighing sound, that has Justin's hand feeling for his own balls and cock, giving the latter a quick rub to relieve some pressure. The way that Brian's breath hitches in his throat whenever Justin's near always makes Justin even more horny. Justin quickly grips Brian's length when he jerks in his mouth, slowing his mouth action right down, he doesn't want him to come yet.

Although, Justin thinks proudly, as he expertly gives him a blow job, that wouldn't slow Brian down. The man can stay hard indefinitely and come again and again. Justin still doesn't understand how he does it. It's one of the reasons Brian used to be known as the Stud of Liberty Avenue. Well, now that stud belongs to him thank you very much.

"Fuck!" Brian's eyes fly wide open as he convulses involuntarily backwards a little. Looking down at Justin to see what happened, he smiles and shakes his head in awe slightly. No-one has ever managed to please him as much as Justin when it comes to blowjobs. The boy is a genius.

His eyes track Justin briefly as the boy makes his way up Brian's body, his hand resting lightly on the back of Justin's head, before he leans his head back on the door, relaxes and breathes deeply again. Moving his head to allow Justin access to his neck, Brian shudders in pleasure as his lips hit a sweet spot. When Brian opens his eyes again, it's to see Justin standing opposite him, his mouth parted in a most delicious way, looking completely delectable. Those plumped out, fucked out lips of his do things to Brian that he can't describe. He could stare at Justin's mouth, picturing naughty ways to use it, all day long.

Time freezes once more as they both look at each other, desire written all over their faces. Pushing off the door in one fluid motion, Brian takes a step towards Justin, wrapping one hand around his waist and the other around the back of his neck. "I love you," He whispers before crushing his lips on Justin's. He doesn't care how many times he says it, it's like unstoppering the genie from the bottle, now that it's out, now that he knows and can admit how he feels, there's no way to put it back away again.

Justin doesn't reply, he doesn't need to and currently he couldn't even if he wanted to. It's all he's ever wanted to hear and his heart sings whenever Brian says it to him. He kisses Brian back passionately, his tongue seeking Brian's out, needing to taste him, to feel him.

Brian walks Justin backwards slowly, never taking his lips away. His hands move continuously over Justin's body, guiding him, holding him, appreciating him. Until the back of Justin's knees hit the bed and he sits down rather unceremoniously. Mouth twitching, Brian kneels down before Justin to start undressing him, starting with his sneakers.

He takes his time, not rushed but not unhurried either, just undresses the love of his life as he would himself on any normal night of the week. What Brian does do though is to let his fingers linger. He strokes his hands up Justin's jean clad legs to reach the buttons, popping them open one by one. He strokes his fingers up Justin's sides when lifting his tee shirt up and over his head and then strokes his hands back down his naked torso to get back to the jeans.

Taking off his tee has made Justin's hair mess up so it's sticking out at the back and it makes him look adorable. Especially with that face looking down at him, watching Brian's every move. Justin seems particularly interested in how Brian is going to remove his jeans, watching with twitching lips to see if Brian is expecting him to move.

Brian doesn't have to say anything, just looks up with a sarcastic cocked eyebrow and a slow smile that creeps across his face as Justin obligingly lifts his hips for him, unable to resist. Sliding the thick material down Justin's thighs and off his feet, Brian's own cock feels uncomfortably thick wedged against his own open zipper.

"Were you going to tell me you'd stolen a pair of my underwear?" Brian asks, after looking at Justin's black pair for a second, before looking up to see Justin's cheeks blush with colour as he shrugs, slightly embarrassed at being found out.

"It's okay," Brian reassures him. "You've stolen everything else, including my heart, what does a pair of undies matter?"

Justin gazes at the man in front of him on his knees, he always goes speechless when Brian says something entirely unexpected like that. It's fucking unbelievable how he can floor Justin with a single line.

"Come here." Justin reaches forward to catch under Brian's chin with his fingers. He gets so turned on by Brian's turn arounds, that he doesn't know whether he's coming or going. He can feel his breath shallowing, his eyes glazing over with emotion. Smiling softly, he gazes into Brian's face before kissing him.

"I love you too," Justin tells him, his nose nudging Brian's. "Now will you please fuck me?"

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