61. Masterpiece

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"Hey, you're awake..."

Brian blinks himself out of his reverie, smiling slowly over at the owner of the voice. Justin puts the pot of paint down as he looks back at Brian, noticing the softened look on his face that always makes him feel warm and loved whenever it makes an appearance. It was present on Brian's face when he'd proposed and he's seen it flash on and off over the years, like when he'd returned his shell bracelet back to him. Justin flushes at the memory of their relationship at that time; he was with Ethan but had still felt compelled to help Brian when he'd needed him. He'd done so much for him, how could he not help him? Justin had known Brian's nephew's accusations were untrue as soon as Vic had told him what had allegedly transpired. He may have been young when Brian picked him up off the street but to accuse his Uncle of molesting him was a downright lie and unbelievable to anyone who knew Brian. 

He and Ethan...he'd been so naive to fall for someone else's charms yet, at the same time, what if he hadn't? Had Brian only started to acknowledge that he even had any feelings for Justin when he'd left him that first time? Justin sometimes wonders where they'd be right now if their journey had been altered at any point in the past. He likes to think they'd still have found each other but it's weird to think how life teeters in the balance of one decision or another. 

What if he hadn't have gone to Liberty Avenue that first night? What if he'd have not stood under that particular lamp post feeling utterly lost and at odds with himself? What if Brian had just gone home with Michael as planned and had never seen him, or seen him and ignored him, or seen him and had still decided to get in the car with Michael and leave? What if Gus had been born a few hours earlier and Brian had never made it to the club that night or he had gone clubbing but Mel had been able to get Brian on his cell and he'd gone before Justin had turned up? 

Justin's mind boggles sometimes with the philosophical questions that he knows he shouldn't really be bothered about. The fact is that they did meet, that Brian is right here, in his bed, and staring at him with hunger in his eyes, and it's not breakfast-type hunger either. 

"Come here..."

The husk in Brian's voice and the way he adjusts himself on the bed, puling the sheet tight over himself so that his bulge and hard on are displayed for Justin's pleasure make the boy smile to himself as he turns around to the table nearby.

Brian watches as Justin puts his utensils down carefully and then makes his way over to the bed, skirting around the art and the furniture. The man feels like he's in a life drawing class, only there's no way that he'd be able to do any kind of justice to this masterpiece of a human who's currently walking towards him. Naked as the day he was born, Justin walks with purpose, straight backed and graceful, with absolutely no embarrassment and it's sexy as hell to the older man. 

To Justin, Brian's request wasn't at all unexpected or unwelcome. Even though he'd gotten caught up in the painting and hadn't looked over at his subject for a while, he'd known that his naked status would get the man riled up as soon as he was awake. Justin hadn't deliberately gone naked for that purpose, although he does find painting naked quite freeing which adds another dimension to his work sometimes, but he'd been pretty sure what the outcome would be.

Brian allows his eyes to take in all of Justin, trailing them over the very familiar body of his lover. He wishes he could capture the ease and confidence that Justin displays when he's around his art on canvas, or film, or any other medium that would allow him to look back and marvel at the transition from boy to man that he's been privileged to witness. There's only one thing right now that he'd change about him, and that's the flacidness of his cock. No, that won't do at all. 

"Good morning," Justin says to Brian as soon as he arrives at the bed, bending down to kiss him, one hand sliding around the back of the man's neck, his thumb stroking the soft lobe of his ear as he connects their lips. 

"Mhmmmm" Brian murmurs back as his hands reach for Justin, trailing up the length of his thighs, over his arse cheeks and up his back. "You are..." Grabbing Justin, he flips him over himself and into the middle of the bed, then hooks one leg over Justin's in case he was thinking of leaving and slides an arm under his back. "...Beautiful..." 

Justin looks up into Brian's loving face, as Brian slowly runs a fingertip down his neck, across the front of his shoulder and down to a nipple. He teases it with his forefinger, watching it pucker under his touch and then lets his eyes slide upwards slowly, appreciatively, until he's staring deep into Justin's darkened blue pupils. 

"Do you know how fucking sexy you look, painting in the nude like that?" Justin's slightest eyebrow lift and twitch of a smile tells Brian how much the lad knew what he was doing.  "Oh you do?" Brian teases as he grinds his hips into Justin's side. 

"This much?" Asks Justin innocently, as he reaches down and grasps Brian's cock in his hand. Heavy and hard, he lets it lie in his palm as his fingers close gently but firmly around the girth. An audible intake of breath from Brian above him tells him how much he's enjoying their flirting. 

"No. More. Much more." Brian promises him.

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