42. Monochrome Delight

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"You know we never made it to that club two nights ago?" Brian asks, stretching out after coming around from napping. Jesus! Napping. He never thought he'd even say the word never mind actually do the deed but here he is, in bed with Justin having napped half the evening away again. 

"We could still go..." Justin tells him, his fingers twirling a lock of Brian's hair around, after considering whether a retort about the fact that his faculties are still intact and of course he knows they never made it to the club would be taken well. 

Brian turns to face him, his gaze travelling from Justin's navel up to his face as he breathes out, enjoying the sight in front of him. "Do you want to?"

"I'm up for it," Justin decides, suddenly realising that he is in fact wanting to go out. He's been a hermit for too long. All work and no play...

"Okay then. I'll wear my new shirt."

"And I'll wear...everything new." Justin says smiling as they both get up, thanking Brian mentally for the new clothes he bought him a couple of days ago and finally the opportunity to wear them.


"You are like a fucking honeypot..." Brian tells him hours later as he arrives by his side after taking a short trip to the men's room. "Shoo!" He waves a guy off who's just arrived at the bar after giving Justin the eye across the dance floor. 

"If I'm a honeypot who are you?"

"I'm the wicked bee keeper who wants to drain you of all your honey..." Brian starts to leer at him and then changes his mind. "That didn't come out how I thought it was going to..."

"No," agrees Justin, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Although...if you were covered in honey I'd be first in line to lick it all off you..." Brian whispers in his ear before straightening back up again. "Seriously though it's like none of them have seen a hot blonde twink before. Go away!" He barks at another man sidling up. 

"Maybe we should dance?" Justin suggests, feeling his face heat up. Brian's very obvious jealousy and his description of him is making him feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy.

"Maybe, if only to get you away from...Jesus will you fuck off?!"

Pulling Justin onto the dance floor, Brian feels a strange mixture of both anger and pride. He doesn't mind people looking but the attention Justin's getting is on another level here. At the same time, Justin is faintly amused by Brian's reaction, vowing to tease him at some point about it. "You're getting a lot of looks too..." He points out as they dance. It's true, there are people around them looking very obviously at Brian. 

"Yeah well, they're not hitting on me..."

"Perhaps they're hoping you'll hit on them?" Justin points out. 

For once Brian doesn't care, and doesn't really notice. He casts an uninterested glance around before looking back at Justin and shrugging. His dance partner is in white, a colour that's always suited him, it makes him look like an angel, although Brian knows very well that he isn't one, at least not in bed. The blow jobs he gives for instance are downright dirty even if they do feel heavenly. For Brian's part he's once again in black, his signature colour that he knows he looks good in. Together they're a monochrome delight. 

"So there's no-one here that you want to fuck?" Justin asks the question casually enough but Brian picks up on the undercurrent instantly.    

"Yes, of course."

Justin casts his eyes around as they dance, trying to work out who Brian's spotted. It's like the old days where they'd pick out someone to take to the back room together. Only now it's leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Still, he plays the game, not wanting Brian to change for him. 




"Are you serious?"


"Justin, really?"



"You can't pick me!"

"Why not?"

"Because that's not the game!"

Incredibly deliberately Brian wraps a hand around Justin's neck, looks deep into his eyes then longingly at his mouth, before dipping his head, slowly, towards Justin's. "Maybe I don't want to play the game..."

His hips are still moving, circling, rubbing tight up against Justin, as he dances. He whispers in his ear, holding his head so that Justin hears everything he's got to say. "I came here with you, I'm dancing with you, I'm going to leave with you, fuck you senseless and then fall asleep with you. I don't want anyone else..." 

Justin's eyes widen as Brian speaks and he leans into Brian's hand, loving the pressure of his hold as he listens carefully as Brian carries on, "...Got it? Now, in a second I'm going to kiss you, and you're going to kiss me back, and then we'll carry on dancing as if you haven't been trying to set me up with every guy in here..." 

Brian pulls his head away from Justin's ear so that he can look at him again, making sure that he's got the message. "Because I don't want every guy...I want you."

The kiss that Brian gives him as his hands roam everywhere is one that Justin feels in every cell in his body. The kind of kiss where you lose track of time, where everything else falls by the wayside and there's only the two of you. The kind of kiss where your ears start ringing and everyone turns into a blur around you. The kind of kiss that's completely unforgettable.

Justin melts, kissing Brian back just as passionately. Their chemistry sizzles; people part around them on the dance floor, watching them, envying their closeness and obvious attraction for each other. Intuition takes over as they dance, both knowing how the other will move, instinctively synchronised. 

They become the complete envy of the dance floor and the subject of many a fantasy that night when the club finally empties and people start to go home. Their chemistry is intoxicating to all who observe them. The lingering wish of anyone watching is to be kissed like that and their coupling on the dance floor invades dreams and cravings for nights to come.  

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