𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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It's been a peaceful week, except for me and my sister as we get tortured everyday or get to be experemented as if we were his guniea pig. However, because I can't feel pain, my tortures were more often than my sister seeing as she couldn't take them too much.

The guards sent me back to my cell which is now I shared with my sister, she was currently sitting on the bed still bleeding as her bruises became unbearable.

"Jean?" I crept. "Are you okay?" I asked.

And as soon as she heard my voice, she immediately looked at me.

"It's getting worst... I - I think..." She trailed off, couldn't able to finish what she was saying.

I sighed standing straight as if I wasn't been tortured for fourteen hours, but like I said, I can't feel pain and I'm okay.

"I'm taking you out of here." I blurted and she widened her eyes.

"What? You can't do that. I won't let you do that." She replied sternly. "It's too dangerous, plus I'm okay, I can still take it."

After hearing those words, I knew it was all a lie, I could easily read her through and through, she maybe The Phoenix but I knew damn well that she's in so much pain, she couldn't take it, and I have to make it stop.

"You can't, stop pretending as if you can't feel it, you're not me." I warned. "Not any other word, Jean." I finished, slamming the door behind me to find Killian.

Walking down the corridor, eyeing every inch just to make sure there was no camera lying around. The guards didn't mind me and they were clueless.

"I need you to remove her sister." I overheard someone. "She's too weak, I don't need her anymore."

"But, boss, isn't she important?" The other questioned.


I followed Killian after he left the room he was in and I already knew what he was going to do, but before that, I immediately grab his wrist and pushed him to a secluded room.

"What are you doing?" He whisper-shouted.

"You're gonna stay here until I say so!" I replied, before flicking his forehead, a way to use my powers to make people sleep for a month, depending on my mood.

I searched his pocket for a phone. Killian was already snoring at that time when I found it and dialed a familiar number.

'I need you to do me a favor.' I blurted out without giving them a chance to reply.

'What? You want packs again? I'm sorry—'

'Not that, you idiot. I need you to get me out of here.' I gritted my teeth, cutting him off.

'You do know that I live one floor above you.' He mused.

'Quentin! I'm serious.' I exclaimed.

It took him a while before he replied. 'Fine, then we'll be quits, I'll come down later.' He hung up on me.

I looked down at Killian, when all of a sudden one of his eyes opened and I jumped in horror as I kicked his face, which caused him to bleed and I had to cover my mouth to not make a noise.

Pulling his body, I hid him behind a wooden table so that no one would see him when the guards do the round ups.


"Where have you been?" Jean asked as soon as I was back in our cell-room. I kept my mouth shut, looking back at her, "You're thinking, what did you do?" She points out, knowing me that well.

"I called Quentin and he said yes." I replied slowly so that she can process the information.

"Said yes to what?" She questioned.

"Have you forgotten everything I said earlier?" I shot back. For a while she was confused but when she realized it.

"No! Where would we go?" She asked back.

I didn't have a chance to respond to her question as the room we were in suddenly exploded, sending us both flying as the debris fell on top of us. I heard my sister yell but my surroundings seems to be blurry and the other side of my ear was ringing.

"Jean?" I stated, sounding weakly as I pulled myself off the rubble. I was bleeding at that time but I couldn't care less as I immediately went to where she was. "You're okay." I mumbled more to myself than hers, reassuring that she's still alive.

Her eyes flutter closed and I slapped her. "Stay awake." I harshly yelled.

"Ow, that wasn't necessarily." She choked out as her eyes landed on me. "You can't just slap—" I cut her off by using my powers to lift up the rubble, the sound of sirens can be heard from a distance.

Quentin came in panting heavily as his eyes landed to the both of us. "You have to go."

"Now?" I half-yelled while looking at the man.

"Yes now, SHIELD is here." He rushed out as I help my sister stand up but she couldn't.

"I can't, Y/N, I think — I'm bleeding." She looked at me with horror in her eyes as she pressed her hand on her stomach.

I looked at Quentin as if asking what to do and he sighed. "Don't worry, I'll teleport you back to the compound."

"No! If Y/N goes back they'll lock her up." Jean argued.

"It's okay, I'll figure out a way." I reassured her and she looked into my eyes, searching for a lie but she didn't saw anything.

With that, Quentin teleported us in a blip. Jean was holding onto me for support fighting herself not to give up, I could use my powers but it doesn't come with healing.

Arriving back at the compiund, the surroundings was peaceful and lights were already off, assuming that everyone was asleep.

I knocked on the glass door, probably not the right thing to do. FRIDAY was the one who greeted us, opening the door to let us in, but I didn't.

Jean was already passed out as I place her down on the marble floor, looking as if she got there by herself.

"FRIDAY get a medic, and please erase the footage of me at this exact time and date." I demanded, voice monotone.

"Y/N?" Jean whispered quietly.

I looked down at her, taking in a deep breath. "It's okay now, everything is okay, you're gonna be safe now." I cooed and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What about you?" She asked slowly.

"I'll be fine—" Before I could finish my sentence I could hear footsteps coming in and I immediately left, hiding myself just by the side of the building, making sure that they will help her. I watched at the very corner of my eyes while Thor picked her up in a bridal style, Bruce was checking her pulse as the two walked away to the medbay.

Natasha seems to be skeptical as she stood there, looking around...and just by seeing her, I felt a familiar feeling rush in. I relaxed as I watched her from afar, I was glad that she was doing okay that nothing serious happened to her, and that was enough for me, and for just a second everything felt normal as if things didn't change at all.

"I miss you." I mumbled quietly just for me to hear.

She looked down to the ground while crossing her arms in front of her and she huffed, her expressions changed to a look of defeat as if she was expecting something that didn't happen. Taking in a deep breath, she closed the doors behind her and the lights turned off.

And with that, I walked away, all that matters now was that my sister is safe and I knew that the Avengers would question her but still, she's protected.

There's nothing more important than the safeness of one's family.

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