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FINALLY UPDATING THIS FIC AS A SEPARATE STORY! for those who have read before, please continue to support :)

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warnings : mature content, sugar baby- sugar daddy relationship, eventual smut, lots of bickering & fluff, age-difference and top dazai, bottom chuuya.

chapter : the sugar baby auction

"please, doctor. i'm begging u. don't do this." tears. harsh, painful tears streamed down his rosy cheeks. his voice was practically cracking, raw with sorrow and desperation. he was about to get on all fours to beg the other, he was that desperate. they can't do this. it's not fair.

not when his mother was showing improvements. not when she might have that slight chance of waking up from her deep slumber. he couldn't let even the slightest ray of hope slip out of his grasp. because... he was never going to let it go.

"chuuya, we already spoke about it. i already tried my best to convince the higher-ups but there has been a huge increase of patients streaming in. we can't just let ur mother stay here when u aren't paying the bills." the ginger winced, he was just a 20 year old that goes to college, how would he be able to pay off the highly expensive hospital bills?

even with juggling a few part-time jobs and his studies, the money he needed seem to be impossibly out of reach. before, he had the money his late father left for both him and his mother. it was a huge amount of sum but slowly, as they spent on his education, shortly after having to spend on medical bills after the tragic accident, their finance depleted drastically.

he knew the doctor was nice enough to let off the bills for three months. yet, he still hadn't gotten the exact of amount to pay off the bills. he had thought about giving up on his studies but he knew his mother would never want him to do that. she would want to open her eyes to see her son do big things in life like getting a job, getting married etc. so, he wasn't giving up. many had told him he should have given up a long time ago but he refuse. he would do anything to return back to his life with his mother.

"please, doctor." the ginger was legitimately begging the doctor, Mr Johnson. "just one more month, i promise. i really promise." chuuya was trying to scrub the falling tears to stop but they kept on falling and falling.
"i-i really can't do anything about it, chuuya." Mr Johnson's voice was felt with empathy, he was equally concern about his own patient as chuuya. "i'll try to squeeze a few more days, okay? try to find someone trustable for money?"

well... he already did. he tried dialing all the relatives he know, either as financially unstable as them or declining his phone calls. he did get some loans from the banks but they were already pushing him to pay for loans as well. the ginger clenched his fists in frustration, his nails digging into the skin of his palms. he does not have a choice. he will figure something out.

"alright. i'll figure something out." the ginger started drying his tears, he isn't going to mob around all day. "thank you for helping out." chuuya gave the doctor a weak smile before heading towards the ward his mother was in.

reaching her bed, he gently push her bangs into place, admiring his mother's gorgeous face. tears threaten to fall out once again but he refuse to submit to them. the ginger softly caressed his mother's cheek, bending down to whisper in her ear. "mom, i'll figure a way out. don't u worry." he left a soft kiss on her forehead before making his way out of the hospital.


"are u sure, chuuya? this idea is a way too crazy. u aren't even that experienced." tachihara was filled with concern, worrying like a good friend would. however, chuuya was determined. he urgently needed money and this was the fastest way to get it. he wish tachihara could support him instead of warning about the dangers. he knows about the dangers. god. he was not some 5 year old kid.

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