Untitled Part 109

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"If there's nothing else, please go back!" Li Zheng said indifferently. He was disheartened for the world to actually have such cold-blooded people.

"Okay, I will remember that," Sang Yufei gave a thin smile but refused to even call the man 'Mister Sang'. Together with Sang Hong and Fang Shi, he bid farewell to Li Zheng and left.

Sang Pingliang carefully kept his document and left with Li Shi.

Although the matter had been resolved, Sang Hong and Sang Yufei left Li Zheng's house feeling a little miserable – the hurt and disappointment that they felt were indescribable. In the past, the Sang brothers would always initiate their apology and appease their uncle regardless of what happened, so conflicts like this had never been blown up. But who would have guessed that the moment they stopped giving in, matters would escalate so quickly.

Just thinking about it, if they had not given in all those times in the past, would Second Uncle have long broken ties with them?

But compared to how Sang Hong and Sang Yufei was feeling, it was the opposite for Fang Shi. She was feeling exceptionally great as she left Li Zheng's house, with a wide smile plastered on her face and her footsteps lighter than ever.

"Let's go home quickly! We still haven't had our lunch! Nanny Xu must've already prepared it for us!" Fang Shi smiled.

Sang Hong sighed quietly as he looked towards Sang Yufei, and said, "Second Uncle had warned us not to eye his assets, but when have we ever?"

"I don't know too!" Sang Yufei shook his head before reminding his brother again, "It's no longer Second Uncle, but 'Mister Sang'. Remember that, otherwise, we'll be made fun of if we greet them incorrectly!"

Fang Shi giggled and curled her lips into a sneer, "You guys really don't know? Well, I do! He doesn't have any sons but two daughters. He's afraid that the two of you would yearn for his assets! Heh, it would be miracle if he doesn't greed for someone else's possession, even more so to claim that others are eyeing his possessions!"

That could really be it! Sang Hong and Sang Yufei looked at each other speechlessly.

"Enough, enough, the issue is already over so stop thinking about it. What matters now is that we get home quickly! We've still got to clean our house thoroughly inside out when we get home; who knows when the group will be here to announce the good news?!" Fang Shi smiled.

"Sister-in-law is right!" Sang Yufei nodded with a smile as he secretly let out a sigh of relief. He couldn't wait to see the expressions on Sang Pingliang and Li Shi when they hear the news!

Needless to say, the trio went home. As for Sang Pingliang and his wife, they headed for home as well.

When night came, Fang Shi slaughtered two large roosters, a duck, and even fried a large plate of eggs, as she prepared a scrumptious meal while the Sang brothers invited Li Zheng and a few of the respected village elders to eat together. Announcing to everyone present that their house no longer had an elder to speak for them, the Sang brothers voiced their trouble in hopes that the elders would step in to help them in an event a conflict arise.

At the thought of how few in members the Sang family had since their only closest relatives had cut ties with them and leaving them with a few distant relatives from another province, everyone could not help but feel sympathetic; what's more, they had even expressed their sincerity by preparing a large meal. As such, the village elders generously accepted their requests.

The first thing Sang Pingliang did when he got home was the hide the document carefully before bring up the next matter on his mind. Seeing a deflated look on his wife's face, he glared at her as he waved his hands in front of her, "Ai, what's the matter with you? Come back to your senses, will you?!"

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