Chapter 9: Irrelevant Nonsense

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Apparently, Nanny Jiang had already handled the situation. Seeing so, Sang Wan was secretly relieved. As she observed Nanny Jiang's body language, she noticed that Nanny Jiang was being a little uneasy but, for the sake of the situation, she did not ask her directly.

Instead, she smiled at Nanny Jiang and gave her thanks, "Thank you for the courtesy!" With that, she glanced at Liu Ya and continued, "That girl is prone to running into trouble when doing her tasks. Since she had been gone for quite some time and had not returned, I decided to take a look to see if she had run into any troubles. And you, nanny?"

After finishing, Sang Wan looked at Nanny Jiang with uncertainty.

"Uh, this old maidservant was just passing by when she saw them arguing over a small matter and stepped up to tell them off. Everything is alright now! This old maidservant needs to return to serve her mistress, so do return to your chamber." Nanny Jiang hurriedly replied.

"I see, since the matter is small, let us all disperse and return to our tasks, shall we?" Sang Wan nodded gently before sighing at Liu Ya, "You really are a girl who simply doesn't let things off. However, this is a family with different rules, where such matters are handled by the servant management team! Just look at you, because of this small matter, you had Nanny Jiang here at the scene you've created. Fortunately, Nanny Jiang is a warm-hearted and friendly person who doesn't argue over small things."

Whatever had happened here, since Nanny Jiang had deemed it a 'small matter,' it would remain a small matter and not something else! Though Sang Wan was still doubtful of the fact that Nanny Jiang was just passing by, as she was a busy person who served her mother-in-law, the old maidservant had Mother-in-law Wang Shi supporting her. Nanny Jiang's judgements were her mother-in-law's judgements.

Since this was just a small matter, Sang Wan had no need to pursue it any further. Otherwise, it would just be deemed as her being against her mother-in-law openly.

Liu Ya understood Sang Wan's purpose and did not attempt to worsen the situation. Lowering her head, she admitted, "It is all this servant's fault and ended up troubling Nanny Jiang. This servant hopes that nanny wouldn't take this incident to heart!"

"Āi, of course I won't! Such praise doesn't befit me!" Nanny Jiang immediately smiled, and was finally at ease.

Seeing that, Sang Wan smiled. "Since everything is alright now, let us not delay Nanny Jiang any longer. Nanny, please!"

"Ma'am, do retire too." Nanny Jiang bowed.

Sang Wan did not stay to chat any longer. Instead, she nodded a few times and instructed Liu Ya to carry on with her task before leaving together with Zhide and the group of maidservants that she had brought along. Upon seeing Sang Wan leave, Nanny Jiang turned and left.

Once the dowry arrived at

Ning Garden

, it was all kept inside a small storehouse that was a stone's throw away from the garden. When the matter regarding the dowry was settled, Sang Wan had Liu Ya explain the ins and outs of what had happened just then.

Turned out, while the group was carrying the dowry down a flight of stairs, due to the carelessness of two manservants, a few of the boxes carried by the two fell to the ground. The fine cotton fabric, cambric paper, and white silk came rolling out of one of the boxes.

Seeing the mess, Liu Ya had instinctively given them a scolding and instructed them to recover the dropped goods. After being told off, the two manservants had showed a face of unwillingness but done as instructed. However, while they were recovering the goods, they had purposely scraped the fabric goods on the floor and even 'accidentally' left footprints on them. Once again, Liu Ya became furious and scolded them to be more careful with the goods.

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