chapter 108

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“Fine, if Second Uncle and Aunt insist, then so be it! Second Uncle and Aunt, remember not to forget your words today! I, Sang Yufei, swear on my name, that I will never again step foot into your house!” Sang Yufei vowed, “My neighbors, just as you’ve seen, it isn’t I who isn’t being filial, but because Second Uncle and Aunt are much too outrageous!”

“You, how dare you!” Sang Pingliang and Li Shi could no longer wait and they hurriedly went to pull Sang Yufei to be on their way to Li Zheng’s house.
Sang Pingliang suddenly stopped in his steps before glancing coldly at Sang Hong and said, “In your family, only Sang Wan’s the good apple! Only Sang Wan, that child, deserves fondness. As for the rest of you, hmph!”

After hearing those words, Sang Hong and Sang Yufei became frustrated. Because Sang Wan had married into a good family, Second Uncle would certainly acknowledge her. But even so, her brothers were nothing in his eyes!
How could a person show such favoritism and be this shameless!

“Alright!” Sang Hong smiled bitterly, “In that case, our families shall cut our ties! From today on, we will be strangers! Second Uncle and Aunt will have no need to discipline us anymore in the future!”

For Sang Hong to have said such words, it really made everyone else sigh helplessly.

“That’s even better to hear, and I’m just about getting tired of worrying for all of you since no good deed goes unpunished!” Sang Pingliang grunted coldly before stating clearly, “From today on, I will only acknowledge my only niece from your family! Only Sang Wan that child is worth doting over!”
The crowd who were previously trying to persuade them immediately stopped as they watched with eyes of contempt.
“Only Sang Wan is worth doting?” In the past when Sang Wan had yet to marry into the Shi family, when had they ever showed any care for her? In fact, they were the most against the marriage, gossiping about how she would one day be abandoned by the Shi family and how she should first look at her own family situation before ever thinking about marrying into such a family. Words like such were most gossiped from none other than Li Shi’s mouth!

The crowd could not help but think that those two could not be considered humans. It was definitely for the best that the two families broke their ties with each other. That way, there would be less gossip to listen to, and who knows maybe that was the beginning step to success? As such, the crowd followed the two Sang families closely as they headed for Li Zheng’s house.

Sang Pingliang and Li Shi, to express their stand, pranced in the front while the two brothers and Fang Shi walked slowly behind. For the two families to have made such a decision, who wouldn’t want to watch? Before even arriving at Li Zheng’s house, almost everyone in the village already got wind of the news. Those who just joined the crowd would ask those who were already present, and then it would become their responsibility to explain to those who joined after them before letting out a sign altogether.

“What are you dawdling for? Move quickly!” Sang Pingliang stopped and glanced behind before shouting coldly at them.

“I must say, Second Uncle ah, are you really not going to give this a second thought?” Fang Shi smiled, “After all, we’re one big family. But if Second Uncle has already decided, then don’t blame us for returning the favor fifteen folds!”

“Cut with your nonsense!” Li Shi grunted, “We’ve had enough of being burdened by your family! What else do you want? Let me make it clear to you, there’s no room for regret now!”

“Sister-in-law, you’ve said enough already,” Sang Yufei said faintly, “We’ll just go with Second Uncle and Aunt’s wish! I, Sang Yufei, has already vowed never to be involved with their family after today!”

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