chapter 87

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Again, Gu Fangzi sighed, "My father also said that all these years were all thanks to the Shi family's care. However, with no way to repay them, he said that he will surely bless you with a long life and protect the Shi family's business to make it a bigger success! He also instructed Fang'er to respect you and serve Big Cousin well. Only by doing so can he repay the kindness given to the Gu family!"

As Gu Fangzi spoke, she sobbed while getting up before kneeling in front of Wang Shi with her head lowered deeply.

"Oh my, quickly, get up, get up!" Wang Shi frantically ordered a servant to help Gu Fangzi up before speaking gently, "My child ah! You've always been sensible, and I know you've always looked out for me and Fengju! You've already done well, and you're very filial! Be good ah, don't be like this! Otherwise, it'll pain my heart! Your father, too! Such a thing need not be instructed twice!"

The edges of Wang Shi's lips were slightly raised, and her expression was somewhat joyous. Gu Jin, this kind of person, who'd expect him to be more mature after death and know how to repay kindness! If he were really to bless us and ensure that our family becomes better and better, then that can be considered doing us justice!

Choking on her emotions, Gu Fangzi said her thanks before getting up and wiping away her tears. "My father also said that he has seen how filial I was towards him, and he told me that being filial towards him in my heart was enough. With my current situation, he said that there's no need for me to be so restricted. He said that since I have already married into the Shi family, then I'm now a Shi family member, so there's no need for me to mourn for three years! He also said that by being filial to Aunt and serving Big Cousin well, it'll also mean being filial towards him!"

As she said that, she pulled out a yellowish note paper and handed it to Wang Shi with both hands. "This morning, I went to seek the head priest to interpret the dream I had the night before and to instruct me what I should do. Aunt, please have a look at what the priest has interpreted."

"Oh? Let me see then!" Wang Shi extended her hand.

She took the piece of note paper, but it suddenly dawned upon her that she was not familiar with written words. However, looking at the note paper, it was indeed something a temple priest would use. The words were also neat and beautiful, just like the ones the priest had written on in the past.

"Why don't you read it out for Aunt!" Wang Shi handed the note paper back to Gu Fangzi.

Gu Fangzi received it and read the five to six sentences out loud before explaining to Wang Shi what they meant. It was all about knowing one's mistakes and changing for the better-this was thus Gu Jin's way of repenting for the sins he had committed. But there was one important point, and that was Gu Fangzi could discreetly reduce the mourning period.

"The mourning period is a heavenly principle, but Father has told me so. As his daughter, I do not know how long he'd like me to mourn for, and so I went to ask the priest to make the decision for me. The priest calculated with his knuckle and said that half a year is enough. Once half a year has gone by, he wishes for me to return to the temple to conduct a ritual and place Father's tablet in the temple!"

After listening, Wang Shi nodded and said, "Since the head priest has already said so, then it must be right! We'll go with what the head priest said!"

Gu Fangzi was secretly delighted, and she quickly nodded her head. "Fang'er also thought the same! This way, not only will I have done my part as my father's daughter, I, I can also be more filial to Aunt as soon as possible! This will be the best of both worlds!"

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