chapter 76

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Sorry for the late update but yeaaah im back

Shi Fengju looked at Sang Wan. Her face was pale, and she was trembling slightly as she tried to hold herself back. His heart ached the moment he recalled those words Gu Fangzi said. He had the impulse of wanting to hold her in his arms to pamper and comfort her, but he could see the pain and coldness in her eyes which made him restrain himself.

He knew that she knew Gu Fangzis words were true. Even though he had really wanted to tell her that that was in the past, and he was now different because he had found the one who truly deserved his love and care, who truly deserved to be protected. And that person was her!

But deep down, he knew that she would not believe him because he himself found it unbelievable.

Young Master Nanny Li was pained when she looked at Sang Wans face. After a moment of silence, she finally couldnt bear it anymore and winced.

Nanny, I know! Shi Fengju gently interrupted Nanny Li. Nodding towards her, he motioned, Nanny, can all of you leave us for a moment! I would like to speak with Sang Wan alone.

Understood, then we shall take our leave. Nanny Li nodded, but she cast another worried glance at Sang Wan.

The servants bowed and lowered their heads as they left silently. Recalling the fact that Shi Fengju and Sang Wan were a fake couple, Liu Ya nibbled her lips as she held back the fierce anger in her heart while Nanny Li dragged her out.

Shi Fengju did not know what to say, but he heard Sang Wan say softly, Actually, everyone already knows about it, so it doesnt really bothers me! Its just that, if someone were to stir up trouble, Sir must not forget to be by my side. I dont wish to suffer from the anger of others due to such trifles.

Shi Fengju could not help but look straight at the woman in front of his eyes. She was calm and gentle, as if the pain and suffering which he saw earlier was just an illusion. That, however, pained Shi Fengjus heart even more.

That wont happen, Shi Fengju said gently to her, Sang Wan, youre the maam of this household, and you have the authority to teach others to behave. If someone is rude to you, you can punish them by the rules! And theres also me to back you up!

Hearing you say that, I feel relieved! Sang Wan softly agreed with en before nodding gently.

Shi Fengju could not help but feel happy. Sang Wan, youarent angry anymore?

Sang Wan was astonished and she laughed. Whats there for me to get angry at! Youre just thinking too much! I dont want to have your mother scolding me again, Sang Wan thought to herself.

Then, then thats good, thats good! Shi Fengju was overjoyed and he said, Theres no need for you to worry, and dont let the incident just now get to you! Just let me handle it.

Okay! Sang Wan smiled.

Shi Fengju suddenly did not know what else to say. His originally perturbed feelings suddenly quietened down. She was not angry, so shouldnt he be happy? But seeing that she did not seem to somewhat care, he felt a little dejected.

Ill leave first, you Shi Fengju glanced at her and stopped.

Go on with your work! Sang Wan smiled. Come back early for dinner. Ill wait for you to have it together. If her hunch was right, Gu Fangzi would surely look for Shi Fengju and try to keep him in Peony Park. She had to prevent that, especially after what Gu Fangzi had said. That kind of thing must not happen!

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