chapter 77

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Shi Fengju returned to the study room, and before he could place down the accounts book in his hand and several other items, Lan Xiang had appeared.

Young Master, our Missy has been thinking of you the entire afternoon! What happened between Young Master and Missy just now was only because of her bad mood. She didnt want to fume at you intentionally! Missy really is pitiful. Young Master, please go and see her!

In the past, whenever Lan Xiang were to say those, the thought of Gu Fangzis pitiful state would always melt Shi Fengjus heart. But not today. Hearing so only irked him even more. He had traveled extensively and had seen many pitiful people under the heavens. In contrast, Gu Fangzi was already considered fortunate enough as even a Missy from a rich family could not compare to her! How pitiful could she be?

Is that so? Shi Fengju said rather nonchalantly, Then you should accompany her more since I dont have the free time to do so!

Lan Xiang was shaken by the sight of Shi Fengjus rejection, but she quickly smiled as she coaxed, Yes, nubi shall return now to accompany Missy and persuade her! Then, then maybe later at night, can Young Master come over to have dinner with Missy? Missy has been remorseful the entire day for treating Young Master as such, and she kept talking over and over about how she would really like to apologize to Young Master!

An apology wont be necessary! Shi Fengju said with a faint smile, Just pass on the message to tell her to be more cautious when she speaks and acts! I dont have the time today. When Im free, Ill go to see her! Enough, you may go!

Lan Xiang did not dare to say anymore as she acknowledged his order before taking her leave.

Gu Fangzi felt disappointed after listening to Lan Xiang. Not free? I do not know when Big Cousin has become so busy! Go, go and fix your eyes on him and see if he will go to the small garden!

Lan Xiang gave a distressed look at Gu Fangzi which was met with a firm glare instead. Without a choice, she had to brace herself yet again.

Sure enough, as Gu Fangzi had expected, Shi Fengju really went to the small garden.

I knew it! I knew it! Gu Fangzi was so furious that her lips trembled as she paced about the house.

Lan Xiang clasped her hands together as she watched silently. She thought to herself, The small garden is where the young master and Maam lives. Isnt it normal for the young master to return to the small garden? It seems Missy has become foolish to be even mad at such a thing!

Lan Xiang sighed to herself, If shes going to be mad at something like this, then how mad will she be for other matters to come! Becoming a concubine after marrying into the household, theres no way she can remain as the same Miss Gu anymore. Why cant Missy face the reality!

You go back again, Gu Fangzi suddenly stopped moving and said, and Lan Xiang nearly collapsed on the floor.

Big Cousin will usually return to the study room in the evening, so go and see if he does. And if he does, report back to me!

Yes, Missy! Lan Xiangs heart finally relaxed. She had almost thought that she was going to be sent for a death sentence, but who knew itd really be that!

Asking her to inquire from the darkness was still alright, but if Missy was sending her out again to invite the young master over, the young master might really punish her severely!

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