Chapter 46: What Need Is There To Stay And Receive Humiliation

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"Keke! Ai, quickly take it! Take it and eat! This brother and his wife, please have some! It's no good to have an empty stomach!" The woman grinned and said.

"Stop! Come back!" Fang Shi was so furious that her whole body was trembling coldly. In a swift action, she forcefully pulled Sang Quan and his younger sister before glaring at the woman. Raising a hand, she had wanted to flip the tray over!

"What an outrageous——"

"Ah Xian!" Sang Hong was also frustrated, but he still kept his calm and quickly halted Fang Shi's hand that was in the air, "Ah Xian!"

Fang Shi nibbled her lips bitterly and her eyes were flushed red. Looking at him silently, she had truly wanted to voice her grievance.

The Shi family were truly too much! A humiliation! An utter humiliation!

"Aiyo! Why is this woman so fierce ah! This old lady was doing some good; if you don't wish to accept it, then don't. There's no need to climb all over my face! Hmph! If you don't want then don't, I'll just feed these to the dogs!" The woman rolled her eyes at Fang Shi before turning and left with a face full of despise.

Seeing the food fly in and then out of their grasp, the two children gaped and cried out loud.

"No crying!" Fang Shi fiercely glared at them and broke her hand off from Sang Hong before catching up with the woman. Blocking her path, she spoke coldly, "Where does your Ma'am live? How do we get there?"

"You, who do you think you are? What business do you have with our Ma'am? Our Ma'am is a noblewoman, not anyone can just wish to see her!" The woman spoke as she looked at Fang Shi in disdain.

"Bring me there!" Fang Shi grabbed her collar. With her eyes full of anger and coldness, she commanded, "Bring me there! Go!"

"Stop, stop! You, you, why are you so fierce ah? Go then go, go then go! You, you've got to let go of me first!" The woman became startled and immediately lightened up her attitude.

"Ah Xian! Stop creating a ruckus!" After coaxing the two children, Sang Hong caught up in a hurry and pulled Fang Shi to him before speaking politely to the woman, "I'll apologize in her stead for being rude! Please accept this apology!"

The woman took a glimpse at Sang Hong and smiled, "Least you know some manners. Wouldn't have happened if she hadn't married a witch! The lot of you are looking for Ma'am —— for what reason?"

"Nothing. Please carry on!" Sang Hong shook his head.

"Oh, like I said, our Ma'am isn't someone who'd casually accept to meet anyone! That person ah, should at the very least know her position!" The woman nagged as she left.

"What did you say!" Fang Shi was clouded with anger and had wanted to catch up with the woman. However, she was held back desperately by Sang Hong.

"This is unreasonable! This is unreasonable! The Shi family is too insincere! To bite the hand that feeds, Sang Wan that damn lass! You don't let me create a ruckus? Fine, we'll all go home! We'll go home and all will be fine!"

"Ah Xian..."

"Don't call me!" Fang Shi held her tears back in her eyes and shook her shoulders gently. In that instant, she lifted her head and spoke with a nasal sound, "I've had enough! If others don't wish to welcome us, why should we purposely send ourselves to their doorstep to receive humiliation? Don't tell me anything about whether there may be some sort of miscommunication or not! Without a master's order, do you think the slaves will dare to do this? If you wish to stay, then stay, I'll go!"

Fang Shi huffed and puffed and pulled her children each by a hand. Giving her surrounding a last glance to keep the distasteful scene in her memory, she chose a direction before leaving.

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