Chapter 1- A Long Day

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Before you get confused the photo is supposedly you.

I look at my watch and it's 12:32 a.m. and I start removing the photos off the bulletin board. After a long and hard case, we finally caught the unsub and brought the girl home safely to her family.

As I'm placing the photos of the case files in the file box, i hear a knock on the door. I look up to see Emily standing in the doorway greeting me with a smile so, i return the favor.

"Hotch wants us heading to the jet already" She says. I place the last file in the file box and look back up at Emily, "I just finished.." I say picking up the file box and my go-bag walking over to Emily. "Ready!" I say.

"Where's the rest of the team? I ask confused. "They'll me us at the jet." Emily says. "Let's get going"

We say our goodbyes and head outside to the SUV. I place the file box and my go-bag in the backseat, and climb into the passenger seat. Emily start the car and pulls out of the parking lot of the police station.

The car ride is quiet until we reach the main road. "So, How's Clint?" Emily says glancing at me then back at the road. I look at Emily

"Good, -i say smiling at her- "Today is actually our anniversary day, we've been together for 2 years as of today." I say proudly.

Emily glances back at me this time with the hugest smile on her face. "That's amazing y/n. So, What do you guys got planned?" She asks.

"Oh, It's kind of late so.. i plan on taking a shower and sleeping." I say and she just chuckles at my response. "No.. but really, we have a reserved dinner date for us tomorrow night though." I say actually answering her question. "Oh, that's lovely" she says.

As if on cue, we pull to the jet. I open my door to get out then the backseat door to get my go-bag and the file box and Emily closes the door for me

"Well, i hope you have a great time.." Emily winks at me and we board the jet. As i board the jet, i see Rossi, Morgan and JJ sitting in a group exchanging laughs and giggles, then from behind me i hear Emily say "So, What did i miss?" taking the open seat next to Morgan.

I look around to see Hotch sitting on one side of the jet by himself review a case file, and Spencer on the other side of the jet reading a book per usual.

I decide to take a seat on the couch right in front of the group. I place the file box on the floor beside me as i sit with my back against the arm rest and place my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs, thinking over the case as my thoughts are interrupted by a hand placed on my knee. I snap out of my thoughts and look up to see Spencer sitting infront of me, on the couch next to me.

"Hey sweetheart, Are you okay?" Spencer asks in a low but soft tone.

Spencer can always tell when something is wrong, given his intellectual mind that and we basically grow up together. Spencer and i have been friends ever since I was 10. He always been by my side, he was my first everything from love to my first heartbreak. We started dating when i was 16, Spencer was 17. We decided to call off our relationship after being together for 6 years. We thought if we were to ever break up it might ruin our friendship somehow. So we both agreed it was for the best. After 2 years of our breakup, i met Clint. So, it's be officially 2 years since i started my relationship with Clint and the my same time at the BAU.

"Yeah, I'm good, -i say picking up my book and opening it- just doing a little thinking is all." I say placing my hand on top of Spencer's hand that was still resting on my knee.

"So.. - Spencer say and i close my book- "if i remember correctly.. then it's been" -Spencer looks at his watch- "2 years, 12 minutes and 34 seconds since you've joined the BAU." He say looking up from his watch and smiling at me. "To be exact..." I love how he know how to lighten the mood. "Ohh is it?- I say giving him a big smile as he returns a mirrored smile. We stare at each other in a comfortable silence, until it is interrupted by Morgan's voice. I break eye contact with Spencer and look at Morgan.

"So lovebirds, When we get back to Quantico the team and i plan on meeting up at the bar for a few drinks, Care to join us?" He says. I smile at Morgan

"As much as that sounds great,- I say closing my book and turning to look over at Morgan and the group waiting patiently waiting for me to respond. "I'd have to pass.. yea sorry- I say imitating a sad face "i've got a date with the hottest bathtub and wine..." I say sarcastically looking at the team in fake sadness. Morgan smirks at me. "Well, don't have too much fun without me." He says smiling at me. "Uh.. Gross, Morgan" i say now throwing my book at him. He laughs for a while before looking at Spencer.

"So lover boy, Care to join us?" "Or is y/n's invitation only extended to you?"Morgan asks raising his eyebrow and pucking up his lips. I turn to look at Spencer, who is now glances at me just just a moment then returning his eyes and his attention back to Morgan. "The Bar..uhh- he says studdering and scratching his head while gazing at the floor -"yk it's really not my scenery," -Spencer turns his attention back to me- "but i would go if y/n cares to tag along, given that it is her second year at the BAU, we should celebrate." Spencer says smiling at me with 'that smile' he knows i can't resist.

"Uh, God, not that look Spence" i say sitting up with my body now facing the whole team and my eyes looking at Morgan.

" So Pretty Girl, do you still got that 'date' or did Lover boy change you mind?"

My eyes shift from Morgan's to Spencer's, who is giving me those 'sad puppy eyes.' I think yeah I'm tired, but what's another hour or two to get to hang out with everyone?

I roll my eyes and look at the rest of the team. JJ says "Come on, y/n it'll be fun" followed by Morgan saying " So, What's it going to be?"

I look at Emily for help but all i get is the
'Are you going to answer the question' face from her. So, i look at Rossi in hopes he can help me but i get the same face.

I sigh deeply not knowing that i was holding in a breathe, and in a whispered tone i say "Fine, I'm in." i receive a Yay! from JJ and claps from rest off the team. I turn to look at Spencer who now has the hugest smile on his face. How can say no to him?

My first story, feel free to comment chapter 2 coming soon. Love y'all lots.

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