Chapter 8 - New Ideas

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You guys board the jet and take your seat. Emily, Derek, JJ and Rossi sit in the mid- section of the jet laughing and talking about last night. Behind them sits Spencer and you, with a table that divides you and Spencer apart from each other. Spence is reading his book, like usual and you are reviewing the file again. In the back sits Hotch, alone also reviewing the case. The flight from Virginia to San Diego takes about 5 hours in total.

 The flight from Virginia to San Diego takes about 5 hours in total

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3 hours into the plane ride, still reviewing my case file. I become sleepier due to the lack of sleep from last night, my eyes become heavier. I decided to get up and fix myself a cup of coffee, I walk into the coffee room, section in the plane. As I'm fixing my cup of coffee, I feel a tap on my shoulder, I quickly turned around to see Spencer standing behind me.

" you look really tired, I think you should probably take a nap on the couch. Spencer suggest in a low tone.

"A nap sounds really good right now, but unfortunately I don't feel like sleeping, I'm scared I may have another panic attack. Knowing Emily and JJ, they'll ask me what's wrong and I don't feel like answering that question right now."

I grab my cup of coffee and I turned to leave, but I am stopped by Spencer grabbing my arm. I turn around and face him, he looks at me with the sad look in his eyes, the exact same look he gave me when I showed up at his house last night.

"Unfortunately the only way I could sleep is if you're beside me, but I don't want the team to ask any questions." I lean in and place a kiss on his cheek.

"It's okay Spence, I'll be fine. I promise." I say truly sincerely. "If it makes you feel any better," i lean in next to his ear and whisper, "So.. I guess I'll just have to wait till we close this case." I pull away from this year and smile at him. I walk over to my seat and sit back down.

Spencer enters the room shortly after me and takes his seat across from. He goes back to reading his book, I interrupt him and ask him a question. But before I can ask it, Hotch gets up from his seat and says, alright guys we have twenty minutes before we land, so let's review this case together. Everyone gets up and circles into the group where JJ, Emily, Rossi and Derek are sitting. Spencer takes a seat on the couch, God stands beside Emily's resting his arm on the top of her seat, and I sit on the arm rest of the couch.

Okay, let's start. Any thoughts? Hotch asks looking around at the team to see who would answer first. We all sit in silence for about 10 seconds, when I get the courage to answer.

"Okay, so back at the BAU, Spencer and I were reviewing the case and I think I found something interesting." I say opening up my file and looking at the little notes that I have written down and I continue.

"Spencer mentioned that there was no sign of forced entry, which got me thinking. "Originally, I thought this case was a murder by opportunity."

"Taking notice that the windows were open, it's possible." Hotch say

Emily adds to his thought. "Okay, so let's assumed that the victim's left a window open, the unsub could've managed to make his way into their home."

"Yeah, then why open all the windows if your going to leave out the back door?" JJ questions.

"The unsub probably didn't want us to know where window he initially entered from." Derek says.

"..But Spencer also mentioned the similar traits and physical appearances of each victim, so the Murder By opportunity is out because this unsub has a particular victimology."

"Yes, that is correct. Both victims had blond hair, blue eyes, physically fit, their ages range between their mid-to-late twenties, and both victims worked in the marketing industry. When you think about it is way to specific for a random attack." Spencer says.

I look over at Spencer and smile after he finishes talking he turns and gives me a smile, and I continue to speak.

"So, judging by the specific details that each victims had, I started to think, why these women in particular, right?" If this unsub is targeting specific traits in these women then.." I was cut off but Rossi.

"Then this unsub is after a specific person." Rossi says.

"A mother, a sister, ex-wife or maybe a ex- lover of some sort?" Derek says.

"Exactly!" I say.

"Until then, he going to continue to killing these surrogate women until he gets the courage to actually confront his main source." Emily says.

"Alright, when we land.. Derek and Emily, i want you to visit the recent crime scene. Rossi and JJ, i want you guys to talk Julie's parents. I'll talk to Lexie parent's, and Y/l/n i want you and Reid to get set up at the station."

The plane lands and we all getting into our SUV's going to our assigned routes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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