Chapter 7 - At the BAU

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The rest of the drive was awfully quiet. As we pull up to the BAU, Spencer turns off the car and walk over to my side of the car. He  open the door, extending his hand out and helping me out of the car and closed the door after me as we walk into the BAU.

We step into the elevator, and we exchange looks at each other, reflecting the same small forced smile and look forward. I press the button with the #6 on it and the door swing shit. A couple of second go by, i continue to stare at the numbers on the elevator light up as we pass the floors... 2..3.. and Spencer breaks the silence.

"So, about earlier.." He says and a smile creeps over my face as i continue to stare forward, not wanting to look into his eyes because i know that now's not the time.. 4...

I look over at Spencer and take a step closer to him, he turns his body to mine and my smile is comforted by his smirk 5..6. The elevator chimes. *Saved by the Bell* "We'll discuss this later, Dr. Reid." I say crunching my nose, and tapping the tip of his nose and exiting the elevator with a relieved feeling and a smirk on my face.

I enter the bullet pin and walk to my desk, setting my go-bag on the edge of my desk and taking a seat. Spencer enter shortly after me and take a seat at his desk, which by the way it right in front of my desk. As i sit down, i place my elbows onto my desk and rest my head into my hands. Not even a minutes passes and i feel a tap on my shoulders. I peel my head from my hand to see what looks to be a hungover Penelope with sunglasses on.

"Hey Pen, What up with the glasses? I ask letting out a little chuckle and continue in a whisper tone. "..did someone have to much to drink last night?" I say, asking sarcastically, knowing that answer to the question. Penelope bends down beside you.

"Besides the Tylenol i took earlier, these sunglasses are the only other thing that keep my head from pounding". She says pulling away from me, as i can't help but chuckle. "Oh god".. Penelope say holding her hand over her mouth and speeding forward the restroom, i laugh as she scurry away.

Shortly after JJ and Emily walk through the glass doors with sunglasses on too. They both walk toward their desks, i can't help but turn around as they both plop themselves into here seat and both letting groans exit their mouths.

"Why is the light so bright?" Emily says hovering her hands over her eyes, trying to block the light from her eyes. "I don't feel so well myself." JJ say placing her head into her desk. I start laughing and Rossi joins in laughing with me. I hear a door open and i turn my head and see Hotch exit his office.

"Everyone in the conference room in 5 minutes. Hotch says heading to the conference room. I walk over to the restroom and knock on the door. "Pen come on, we are starting to review the case." I say and a minute later Penelope exits the restroom and follows me into the confrence room.

We all take our usual seats around the table. Emily in between Rossi and Hotch. JJ in between Hotch and me, and me in between Morgan and Spencer, and Penelope standing infront of the monitor, reviewing the case with the whole team. "Ok, you can start." Hotch tell Penelope.

Penelope clicks a button on her remote and image of the crime scene pop up. "This is Julie Peterson and Lexie Baldwin, both single, and working women, both found stab to death, in her San Diego homes." Penelope clicks another button and continues. "...the police found bloody shoe prints heading from the victims bodies to their back doors, there was to signs of forces entry and all the windows were left open in both homes." Penelope finishes.

"..And the police thinks these two murder are tie together because?," Derek says in a questioning tone.

"..Well, beside from the identically foots patterns found at both crime scene, the open windows and the fact that these to women weirdly alike," Penelope clicks another button and continues "..both women had the letters 'SH' banded on their left shoulders."

"Was the branding done post-mortem?" I ask. "Well, we don't know yet?" Penelope days answering my question. "We can ask the M.E. when we get there, Wheels up in 30." Hotch says.

Everyone gets up, closing their files and start to head out of the conference room. I stand up picking up my file and heading back to my desk. I sit down at my desk and scan through the case file, going over evidence i may have not pickup on during the review and looking over the crime scene photo when i hear a chime come from my phone and i get a message from Spencer.

Spencer:  See your reviewing the file, mind if tag along? I got some questions and i really like your help.

Me: Yeah of course! I'd like that.

You send the message, placing your phone back on the desk and looking up. You see Spencer smile as his phone chimes from the message, and looks at you.

Spencer grabs his file and rolls his himself in his rolling chair to you. You giggle at his slowing scoots his chair to your desk.

"So.. I was thinking, since their was no signs of forced entry, that must mean that the victims known the unsub." Spencer say turning from his file to me."

"..or the victims could have left a window open. The unsub could have saw seen it and crawled in through their." This could be murder by opportunity. I say now starting deep into his eyes.

"Good point. But it doesn't explain the victimology. If what your saying is true, how is it that both victims share similar traits and physical appearance?"

"Possibly a coincidence?" You suggest unknowingly.

"It's possible but highly unlikely given both victims share a lot more then just their appearances, both women are single, in their mid to late 20's and both work in marketing."

" So, the unsub defiantly had a type but the question is why these women in particular?" You say looking at Spencer and he reflects the same suspension in his face.

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