Chapter 4 - The Aftermath

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--------- Spencer's POV ----------

I wake up to a loud knock on my door. I sit up and rub my eyes, then i look at my phone. It's 5:32 a.m. Who could be knock at my door so late, i thought. I get up and walk over to the door and look into the peep hole. I see a women look down at the floor so, knees up, arms crossed and head laying in her lap.. with confusion and curiosity i open the door to get a better look at her.

As i open the door, her eyes look up from the floor to me, i quickly realize it is y/n. Her face is red and her eyes are puffy, from crying? But why? I look at her confused and rub my eyes again.

"Sorry to wake you," is all she said in a low and cracked voice. "It's okay sweetheart, What happened?" I ask her in a concerned voice, extending my hand out to hers... she reaches for my hand and i see her hand shaking, her lips quivering and her eyes very watery. I can't stand to see her like this, but what happens i just droppedher off an hour ago, what could've happened. It breaks my heart to see her in any sort of pain, My eyes start to tear up and the site of her crying and she says. "What happen y/n, are you hurt, did someone do something"

"I, -she places her hand on her mouth- ..I saw, uh," was the only thing she managed to say, i open my arms out for her and she ran into them, hugging me tightly. I place one of my arms around her, and the other on her head rubbing her hair softly. She starts crying hard and loud, i let out the tears that i was trying so hard to holding back and then i let out a heavy breathe.

"It's okay baby, i got you." I tell her trying my hardest to not to sound broken and to comfort her in any way i could. She pulls her head away from my chest and looks up at me, giving me a broken smile and i return the favor.

"Let's go inside, it getting kind of late." I say grabbing her and taking her into my apartment. I sit her on the couch and walk over to the kitchen and grab a glass out of the cabinet and pour her some water and walk back into the living room.

---------- Y/n's POV ------------

I take a seat on Spencer's couch as he walks into his kitchen. I'm trying to collected my thoughts, when i feel a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turn around to see Spencer handing me a cup and gives me a small greeting smile on his face. I can tell he's been crying because his eyes are blood shot red. I take the cup and he sits down next to me.

"I'm sorry for bothering you so late Spencer, i just didn't know nowhere else to go." I say looking at him then pressing to cup to my lips and taking a sip once again and look down. "No.. it's fine your not a bother at all, y/n. I'm glad your safe." "You know i'm always here for you and I'm glad you came to me, Sweetheart." Spencer say, he pauses and look at me then bits his lip and smile.

"So, do you want to talk about" he asked me.
I take a deep breathe and smile. "Well, when you dropped me off, i , uh... headed up to my apartment door. I opened the door and saw the bedroom light on so I figured that Clint was still up so, i walk to the door and saw it was cracked open, and when i pushed the door open i saw, uh.." I say starting to tear up again.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to." Spencer says placing his hand on my shoulder and giving me a comforting smile. "If your not comfortable with talking about it, i completely understand. You've been through enough pain. I don't want to have to make you re-live it." Spencer says.

That one thing that i've love about him. Even when he's concerned, he still considerate. Maybe Clint was right, maybe a part long for the relationship I had with Spencer, his kindness and consideration was one the many traits I loved about him.

*The little things he do, his warm, bright and beautiful smile, when he would come to the BAU with a coffee and wouldn't forget to bring me one, when he would buy takeout and even when i said i didn't want any, he'd still order me a plate because that just the kind of person he is; For all those time, id bee having a bad day, and he would make it better with just smile.*

I take a deep breathe, look up at him and clear my throat. "No, I'm fine...i can do this, plus it's the least i can do since i practically woke you up crying at door at 5 in the morning" I chuckle and look back up at Spencer who gives me a mirrored smile.

"So, when i opened the door, i saw Clint have sex with another girl in my bed, Can you believe that?" I say looking at him in disbelief. "After 2 years and he does this, he says he was unhappy and turn this around on you" i say, Spencer face shifts from calm and understanding to confused.

"It's a long story," i say. It really wasn't i just didn't wan't Spencer knowing that my relationship collapsed because of him, at least that what Clint claims.

"Well, you should get some sleep then, we only have about 5 hours until we have to head to work." He says with a smile. "So, I'll take the couch and you can take the bed." He says.

"No Spencer, i don't want to be a burden, I'll take the couch." I say. "It's fine.." -i look at him and raise my eyebrow- "really y/n go, get some sleep, See you in the morning and if it gets cold-" He says as I cut him off. " I know, the extra covers are is the top shelf in the closet- I say smiling at him -".. and thank you, really." He smiles at me. "Okay, good night then Y/n , see you in the morning then." I lean to him and place a kiss on his cheek and pick up my go- bag "He smiles and kisses me on the forehead, "Good night, Gorgeous" in a low, soft raspy voice as i smile at him then walk to the bedroom, I turn one last time to see him fixing his bed on the couch. "God, he's precious"

I brush my teeth and change into my sleep wear. I climb into his bed and place my head on the pillow. I am quickly taken by surprise by the smell of his pillow, it smells like a mixer of mint and coffee and just like that my eyes close .. and quickly fall asleep.

Hope you all like my story so far.. Stay toon because if you thought this was interesting it gets better.

Let's just say this changes everything in Spencer and y/n relationship.

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