All Is Good

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“Today is January 21, 2087 here in Albuquerque, New Mexico,” said the newscaster while Emma Smith sat on her couch. Emma is a tall woman with long black hair and bright green eyes. Her son, Cody, has not yet woken up yet. Cody was a little boy with sand colored hair and electric blue eyes.  “The weather today is rainy with a chance of thunder storms.”


Cody came running down the stairs. He looked worried, scared, or both. “The sky looks dark and scary, mom!” Emma looked outside and saw the rain clouds mixed in with all the air pollution. It did look dark and scary. Emma got up and went outside.

The air smelled strongly of gas and oil. The air felt moist, very moist. All she saw was a black sky, dark buildings around her, and people looking out of her windows up at the sky. The tall building in the distance looked ghostly against the dark sky. Emma’s air, when she was younger, was cleaner and she actually saw the sun (unless it was raining).

There is one word for this: pollution. From this, people have been getting severely sick. The people have been getting illnesses that doctors do not even know what they are called. The sicknesses seems very alien- like.  Animals have also been going extinct faster than ever.

Emma quickly turned around and ran inside with Cody. She thought that if pollution and rain mix there would be acid rain. When she got inside, she said “Cody, pack as much as you can.” She heard of a community on Venus and one on Mars. She and Cody would move to one of those planets to get away from this planet. One of them will hopefully be better than Earth.

When Cody came downstairs with his bags, his mother was getting two tickets to Mars. She was moving at a very fast pace so both her and her son could get off this planet as soon as possible.

Five minutes later, Emma and Cody were out the door heading to the airport. They took the hover car because the land car was slower and the speed limit was faster in the air. It took about fifteen minutes to get to the airport.

When both mother and son got into the airport, they just made their flight. All of a sudden, everyone who was rushing to get on their flight stopped and the airport fell silent. *Tap. Tap. Tap. *  Heads turned. *Tap.Tap.Tap. *  A slight murmur rushed through the crowd.*Tap.Tap.Tap. * People started to run around and other people ran onto their rockets. Emma grabbed Cody’s arm and ran to the rocket that said: TO MARS.  

When Emma and Cody were safely on the rocket, the pilot announced that the rocket would take off shortly. After ten minutes, the rocket took off. Emma and Cody were off to Mars.

After ten hours, (rockets go faster than they used to) they landed. When everyone got out of the rocket, they all made a face of amazement. Mars had beautiful skies, it smelled clean, and the sun was shining brightly. A man I a suit held up a sign that read: SMITH. Emma and her son walked over to the man and he said he was going to take them to their new home. After about a half hour in the car, Emma and Cody arrived to their new house. It was large with a gate surrounding it. The driver said that the planet provided new, large houses to the people who were running away from the Earth. Emma thanked the man and gave him a tip.

When Emma and Cody walked up to their house, Emma opened the front door and walked inside. The house had a high ceiling with a chandelier. Emma knew by looking at this one room that she and Cody were going to have a wonderful life.

Five Years Later:

Emma and Cody Smith, a happy mother and son, have been living in their Mars house for five years. Cody didn’t have any friends when he moved here, but he has so many now. Emma got a job as a waitress during the second year on Mars.

Emma is standing on a cliff next to her son by where she used to live on planet Earth. The city of Albuquerque has been wiped off the face of the Earth and now it is a giant crater. All of the houses were gone and the spot looked like a giant took a spoon and took out a chunk of the Earth. Three years after that dreadful day on Earth, a bomb was set off. Hundreds of people died. Seeing the place he lived and was raised for seven years, Cody started to cry. Emma couldn’t help but to cry too. She lived in Albuquerque for thirty- five years of her life.

She walked her sobbing son back to the airport and went back to their Mars house. When they got home, Emma thought to herself, All is good.


Heyy! Another short story!! This is from 7th grade! haha! I can't believe I found this! I never got my grade because my teacher's house cleaner threw the stories away... actually, my teacher just gave everyone an A. LOL! Well, here you go!!!

Oh, and if you read FANG, the one I posted, I kinda had to delete it because Wattpad sent me an email that it violated the copyrite rules on here... SORRY GUYS!!

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