I Need You [Percy Jackson Spin Off]

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Soo... I have a new short story!! It's a Percy Jackson spin off. For all of you out there that read the series, you will notice that the last section is(!) from the Sea of Monsters, but the characters have different names. You may also notice that the story is wayyy too much like PJO, but it's a spin off, so I wrote this BASED on PJO. Please don't get mad at me if this is your favorite book, this is all for fun!!! :D

I had to write a short story about the underworld last year, and since I was the only one in my class who had read PJO, I whipped this 14 page (on Microsoft Word) story out in and hour! Sooo, here you go! ENJOYYY!!


Someone was taken away from me. Someone who was like an older sibling. Someone important. She was twelve and I was seven. That was five years ago.

Let me tell you my story, from the beginning.

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My name is Alexandria Chase. Currently I am twelve. It's been five years since that sad day and I don't like to talk about it. I feel like it will be better once it is on paper. This story starts when I was seven.

My father is a simple man who likes to build things. My mother is the Greek goddess Athena. Athena left me with my father right after I was born, so I didn't meet her for a while. I was an outsider. My father and his wife (who he married when I was five) didn't want a freak like me to play with their two normal kids. I didn't like this. So, when I was seven, I ran away from home.

For a while, I lived on the streets, with no one. I was lonely. Things kept following me though. I heard things and I saw things that I shouldn't have. I was scared.

One day, three people came and found me. Their names were Grace, Jake, and Brandon. Jake convinced me that they were the same as me and I should go with them to safety. Something about him made me feel safe, so I trusted him and left. Lonely one day protected the next.

Along the way, I learned more about their past. I learned that they were both runaways, like me, and that they knew about these monsters that had been following me. Also, they told me that I was what's called a "demigod" which is a half human, half god. When I asked whom my mother was, they didn't know, but Jake and Grace both knew their parent's names. Jake's dad was Hermes, the god of messengers and thieves, and Grace's dad was one of the "Big Three" (who made a pact that they wouldn't have any more demigod children), Zeus. And Brandon? Well, he wasn't even human... fully. He was what's called a "satyr" (half human, half GOAT) who was sent to get Grace to a camp safely.

It turned out that our safe place was going to be a place called Camp Half- Blood, a place where demigods go to learn how to survive against monsters in the real world. I kind of needed that camp now because monsters would constantly be following us and attacking. These monsters weren't the "Boogy-man-hide-under-your-bed" monsters, but the real things from mythology. They chased us all the way to our destination. We could see where we were headed. Brandon kept yelling, "Get over the hill!!! Get over the hill!!!" I guess we would be safe when we got over the hill. At the top, the monsters were on us. They attacked us on what seemed like full force. We were getting pretty beat up, especially Grace.

This is where the story gets sad.

As we were fighting with all our might at the top of Half- Blood Hill, a monster delivered the fatal blow on Grace. She fell. I think I yelled, but I can't recall every detail that happened. Time seemed to slow as she fell. As she fell, Zeus took pity on her and changed her into a pine tree, which supposedly preserved her soul. This isn't happening!

She's!!! Not!!! Dead!!!

* * *

That was five years ago. And people still say she's dead. I never believed that. I believed that Hades got what he wanted and saw her die. I believe that she is no in the Underworld. It will be my mission to see her once more. Nothing will stop me. I will go alone if I must. But if I must go to the Underworld and face Hades with people, Brandon should go because he knew Grace best. I will also take his new find and my friend, Logan Jackson, son of Poseidon, another one of the "Big Three."

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