Out Of This World!

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ALIENS!!! AHH! Well, today is the day of the aliens. I've heard all these different things about aliens today. Like how the end of the world is not going to be Jesus rising again, but aliens coming and helping the world modernize. It's kind of strange. I still don't believe in 2012. Do you guys in believe in 2012? Comment after the story! I would liike to hear your opinions!

Well, I'll stop talking and let you get on with reading this story!! :D


I was sitting alone; waiting for my friends to meet me at the bumper cars, when a bright light showed up and then, it all went black. What seemed like hours later, I woke up and found myself in a mad scientist's lab. Then, these large, ugly, yellowish things walked out of the room to my right. I nearly screamed when I saw them. They all swarmed around me talking in some language that was like "₯∫₧√₢₠₣ ῧῺῠῨἔếủὫẽẳὀ ǽźŸœÐﻁᾷᾲῒῂῇΊ ∞ῧῺῠῨἔếủὫ ẽẳὀǽźŸ ₠₫₨₩₯" They then looked at each other and grabbed me and carried me through the doors that they came through.

I was starting to get scared because these creatures, (they don’t even deserve to be called creatures) more like things, captured me and are bringing me to where ever they came from.

After a long time, the aliens started mumbling to each other.

“ῨἔếủὫẽ ẳὀǽźŸœÐ ῧῺῠῨἔếủὫẽẳ ὀǽźŸœÐﻁ ₧√₢₠₣₤№℮”

“ẽẳὀǽźŸ ῧῺῠῨἔếủὫẽẳὀǽźŸœÐﻁᾷᾲῒῂῇΊ ₠₫₨₩₯ √₢₠₣₤№ ℮”

They were still speaking this strange language and hopefully they weren’t planning my death. For a long time, those big, fat, yellowish monsters were talking and looking my way. I wish I know what they were thinking. Then, one walked over to me.

“Minkälainen olento olet?”


“Hva slags skapning er du?”


“Que tipo de criatura é você?”

“I don’t understand.” I don’t know any languages other than English, German, and Spanish, so I hope they ask in one of those languages.

“Welche Art von Kreatur sind Sie?” I know that! It’s German!

“Ich bin ein Mensch. Wie über Sie?”

“Ich bin ein Bürger des Planeten Flargfictoogan! Wir rufen uns das Qoppas.”

During this conversation, we landed on this “Flargfictoogan” and right away I saw that all the creatures were fat and ugly. On billboards, there were HUGE, ugly (what I think were) women of this foreign race. On our way out of the ship, the aliens were telling me that if I were one of them, they would not accept me because I was so thin. It turns out the fatter I was the better people would like me. That’s strange.

* * *

That was then. This is now. The year is now 2020. I am still on planet Flargfictoogan and I am one of the well-known citizens. First, because I was the “thin thing that invaded” and second because I am now one of the BIGGEST “things” on the planet. I have learned their culture and ways. Also, after 10 years of learning their language, I figured out that most of the words in their languages come from multiple earth languages, for example, Я бы хотел zu haben jeden хамбургер means I would like to have a hamburger in (in order of apperence) Russian, German, Polish, and Serbian.

Also, when the aliens that captured me were talking in that foreign language, they were talking about the latest game of oomlat valgyti tortą (eat the oomlat cake).

* * *

Whoa… that was a strange dream.

I thought that when I woke up from that weird dream. When I opened my eyes, those ugly aliens were standing over me. “AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” I bolted out of that park like someone was shooting fire at me.

(In friend’s point of view) “Wow… what got into her? I just wanted to show her my stuffed animal aliens I got at Space Mountain!”


The conversations in the mutiple languages were saying, "What kind of creature are you?" or something like that. then, it says "I'm a human, what about you?" "I am a Burger from the planet Flargfictoogan. We call ourselves the Qoppas!" (Koppa)

This is the alien’s alphabet:


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