chapter 5: savior

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TW: this chapter mentions death, so if you're sensitive about this topic please don't read.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Sage asked me.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm sure." I said before cracking my neck.

"Hey... what's going on?" Thomas asked as he got near us along with Vic, Ethan and Damiano. No, Damiano and I haven't spoken since that night at the bar a week ago... it's just too awkward, and honestly, I don't mind not talking to him.

"Aria is about to jump of this bridge." Sage said pointing at the bridge in front of us.

We were at the beach, and there was a little bridge on top of us that was not very tall, so it was okay if I jumped right into the sea.

"Are you mental?! Don't do it!" Vic said looking at me wide eyed.

"Too late. I already made up my mind." I said cracking a few more bones in my arms.

"She's not gonna do it." Damiano stated, shaking his head slightly.

"You couldn't keep quiet, could you?" Sage asked him annoyed.

"Well, you're wrong. I am doing this." I said looking at the bridge before looking at my friends. "Wish me luck!" I said before running towards the bridge.

"ARIA COME BACK!" Ethan yelled but I was already near the bridge, so I just ignored him, along with the rest of their calls.

I stood there on the edge of the bridge looking at the actual height. Okay... it was kinda high, not gonna lie. Was I going to chicken out? Hell no! I was too proud to admit that I was scared, so I had only one thing to do... swallow my fear and jump.

I took a few steps back to jump with balance. Before I ran, I glanced over at my friends. Vic was hiding her face on Thomas's shoulder, Thomas and Sage were looking at me with fear in their eyes, Ethan looked mad and Damiano... Damiano looked almost... worried? His jaw was clenched but his eyes showed worry...

I shook my head to send those thoughts and looked at edge of the bridge. I took a deep breath and ran. As I was getting too close to the edge, I jumped.

I felt like I was flying for a few seconds... until I hit the water. Since I was a bit too high, the water hurt my feet. I felt my legs numb, not being able to swim. I opened my eyes and looked up. I had never realized how beautiful the sun's reflection on the water was. Being underwater felt good... made me forget how shitty life could be.

I totally forgot I couldn't breathe underwater, until I felt my lungs tighten, needing air urgently. I tried to swim to the surface, but my legs where still numb. That's when I started to panic.

I couldn't die right now... I still had so much more to do, so much more to accomplish... And it was a shit death. Can you just imagine: "Why did Aria die?" "Oh yeah, she jumped off a bridge and drowned."

Like come on! I want a hero death, not a stupid death.

I was starting to feel dizzy and lightheaded... yup, this was it. My end...

I saw a silhouette getting close to me, but before I could process what was happening, I blacked out.

I woke up with the beeping sound of a machine. I opened my eyes and saw some bright lights. Oh, I knew those bright lights anywhere... I was at a hospital.

My eyes started to get used to the light, and I could finally take in my surroundings. I was laying on a bad, and my index finger had that thing to sense my heartbeat. On the chair next to my bed was a Sage sleeping. I grabbed her hand, squeezing and she woke up.

𝕋𝕆𝕏𝕀ℂ𝕀𝕋𝕐 - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now