chapter 46: second chances

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"Are you going to talk or?" I asked Damiano as he kept quiet for a few seconds.

"Yes. Just give me a second!" He said slightly annoyed.

"I gave you plenty." I muttered. He clearly heard me, because he immediately glared at me, making me raise my hands in surrender.

"6 months ago, when we broke up... I was a wreck, Aria." He said letting out a dry laugh. "Hell, you can ask anybody! I didn't leave me room for weeks, it was horrible. I get that back then, I wasn't ready to give myself to you fully... but I am now." He said the last part quietly, which made my eyes wide slightly.

I kept quiet, just looking at him. He got up, kneeled in front of my chair and held my hands.

"I'm ready now, Aria. I'll make you trust me again... and I'll make you realize that I trust you too. I'll tell you everything you want to know about my past... I'm all yours."

I heard what he was saying. I understood what he was saying... but I couldn't bring myself to fully believe what he was saying.

He saw the uncertainty in my eyes and his face fell slightly.

"What's holding you back? Come on, Aria... remember what you told me?" He asked looking at me, as if he was staring into my soul.

"I'm going to give you the time you need to figure your stuff out... but I can't be with you like this."

"What's holding me back?! Really Damiano?" I asked as I took my hands from him, and got up from my chair. "I don't know, maybe the whole thing with Melania had something to do with it. Or maybe it's the fact that we used to despise each other? Or-or maybe-" I said pacing around the kitchen.

"Stop, Aria! For one second, please!" He said raising his voice and I stopped to look at him.

He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.

"A few years ago. I thought I fell in love. I thought she was this amazing person, but I didn't get why my friends didn't like her. Thomas hated her, and you know the kid, he likes everyone! Well, turns out they were right. One night after a gig, I was coming home and found her cheating on me with a close friend of mine back then. We had a huge fight, and we broke up. A year later she managed to make her way into my life, and we ended up getting together, and broke up a few times... with me getting heartbroken every time. I eventually got sick of her making me her puppet and ended things for good." He rambled.

I was shocked. After so long, he was opening up to me about this...

"I told you that I had never been in love because that's how I felt... I didn't feel like I was in love with someone, because I wasn't. I was in love with what I thought she was. So, no, to me I had never been in love. Until you showed up."

I stayed silent, trying to add up everything that he told me in the last 2 minutes. There was just one thing that's still in my mind...

"In Hawaii, when Melania showed up, she tried to make a move on me. I didn't do it back... but I also didn't stop her either. I was too shocked to reach to anything. And that's when you showed up and assumed the worst. I can't say I blame you, because I can't."

Finally, all the missing pieces were back into place.

"You said you were going to give me time until I was ready to be in a committed relationship with you. I am ready." He said stepping closer to me.

"I don't know..." I said as I felt my eyes water.

"Why?" He said as he eyes started to get glossy as well.

"Because I'm afraid!" I said raising my voice.


"I'm scared, Damiano. I'm scared that everything goes just like it did the first time and we'll both end up heartbroken again!"

Damiano cupped my face with his hands and made me look at him.

"I'm scared too. I'm scared to let you down again... but you know what? We can't be living in fear. If we have this chance to be ready again, then I think we should take it." He said softly.

I simply nodded my head, telling him that I understood.

"Do you love me?" He asked bluntly.

"Really?" What a stupid question.

"Do you love me?" He asked again as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Yes." I said quietly, as I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Good. I love you too, if it wasn't clear." He said chuckling, making me chuckle along with him. "So, what do you say? To second chances?"

"To second chances." I said smiling as Damiano leaned down and kissed me. Without waiting, I kissed him back.

How I missed him. I missed everything about him. His smile, his touch, his smell, his kisses... everything.

"Does this mean that you're officially my girlfriend again?" He asked smiling as he pulled away to look at me.

"It depends... are you asking?"

"Dork." He said as he kissed me again. "Yes, I am asking you to be my girlfriend. Again."

"Well then, I'll accept you as my boyfriend. Again." I said laughing and we kissed again.

Damiano spent the rest of the night in my place. It consisted in stealing kisses, cooking, dancing around the kitchen with the refrigerator lights shinning on us. I felt whole again... because of him.


Hey guys!! How are you??

They're finally together again!!

On a sadder note, the next chapter will be the last one on this story. I genuinely love you guys, and your commets make my day. Every little interaction from you makes me smile. 

This makes me sad, but I also know that it's time. It doesn't seem right to keep on writing this story anymore... Aria and Damiano's story is almost closed.

I also have more stories, so you can always check those out, which would also mean a lot to me :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Please don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!!

I love you guys, until the next chapter!!! <33

𝕋𝕆𝕏𝕀ℂ𝕀𝕋𝕐 - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now