To Lie Again

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OH MY MERLIN!!!! Guys, thank you all sooooo sooooo sooooo sooooo much for reading my fanfic, because now, I have 500 reads!! And OMG do you even know how amazing that is! Thank you all so much again, you're absolutely amazing!! Hope you all like this new chappy :)

“Peeta Mellark! How wonderful for me to see you again m’boy, but then again, aren’t we all?!” Caesar Flickerman asks the Capitol crowd who roar out their enthusiastic reply of yes on seeing me again. He’s grinning at the camera, which is playing live this time out to the whole of Panem, districts and all- but behind his smiles, I can see the slight nervousness in his eyes. I purse my lips at this, but ease the tension in my face and gulp to continue on with the interview. 

I chuckle a bit, but the sound is hollow and empty, with no true trace of amusement or happiness. It’s a sad sound, depressing. But now, as I think about the situation I’m in, any normal person would be depressed by this point, definitely. Wallowing in the depths of crumbling darkness, with self pity ebbing onto them like a heart being bound in murderous poisoned vines.  

“Yes Caesar, it’s nice to know that you’re all are glad to see me. I’m glad to see you too.” I say, trying to put some type of feel into my words: no matter how fake it is. 

“Yes yes. So Peeta, the Capitol keeping you well?” Caesar asks sarcastically, the positivity of the answer obvious.

“As good as ever. The Capitol has it’s wonderful hospitality, and standards.” I say, feeling the lies come out like a bad taste. I flash the camera a smile, wanting to quickly cover up the grimace that graced my face at the lies a told. Hopefully, by the looks of it though, no one noticed. 

“Now Peeta, on a more serious note, tell me, what are your thoughts towards the rumours of Katniss taping these propaganda’s for the districts?” Caesar asks.

“They’re using her, obviously,” I say with a small frown of concentration. “To whip up the rebels. I doubt she even really knows what’s going on in the war. What’s at stake.” My capitol mind says the first part. I fight in the last part to show that Katniss is right- but still in a way to show however Snow wants me to right now. 

“Is there anything you’d like to tell her?” Caesar asks, suggesting that Katniss may just be watching this at the very moment. I’ve never really thought of that. That she is watching me, wondering how I am or what’s happened for me to have started supporting Snow. This realisation blows me full out, and I’m caught of guard, but only for the slightest of a millisecond, before my Capitol-mind regains me, and answers the question nice and smooth.

There is. Don’t be a fool, Katniss. Think for yourself. They’ve turned you into a weapon that could be instrumental in the destruction of humanity. If you’ve got any real influence, use it to put brakes on this thing. Use it to stop the war before it’s too late. Ask yourself, do you really trust the people you are working with? Do you really know what’s going on? And if you don’t… find out.” 

I see the camera’s stop rolling, and vaguely remember Caesar thanking me and two Peacekeepers escorting me to a car. I silently sit there in the car, the thoughts of the whole interview buzzing through my head like a crazy hurricane as I stare out the window, watching the city fly past. The interview was quite short, not that I’m complaining. The lesser the public opportunities Snow puts me through to have to show allegiance to the Capitol with, the better. 

I have no idea what’s going on in thirteen. What Plutarch Havensbee is really like. Neither do I know what’s happening with Haymitch, or how the District 13’s president, Alma Coin, as Snow had told me, is like. But I’m sure that if they are sane enough, (unlike the Capitol people) to understand basic rules of humanity and the importance of the human race, and how it should be treated, I’m sure they are good enough to be trusted wholly, the opposite of what my Capitol-mind blurted out during the interview. 

I shut my eyes, and shake my head. I sigh, and wait for another five minutes, until the car pulls up outside the prison building. 

I enter with the two peacekeepers on either side of me. They take me to a changing room, and I change out of the fancy and quite comfortable suit and shoes, and change into the plastic-y material of the prison outfit, my feet bare. Back to the normal, uncomfortable attire. 

I leave the changing rooms, and am taken back to my cell. I see Johanna’s and Annie’s cells empty, they've probably gone for another one of the terrible torture sessions.  

I sit down in the corner of the cell, my legs brought up to my chest, pulled together in a tight huddle. My back rests against the back wall, and my body leans onto the right hand wall, my head resting on my shoulder. 

I’m exhausted, but sleep doesn’t come. I sit there for half an hour, just staring off into space, until I hear the prison doors open, and Johanna and Annie are dragged in by three peacekeepers. 

The sight of them makes me flinch. Johanna's hair has been roughly shaven off again,and blood drips out from cuts on her bald head. Her arms and face are bruised, along with Annie, who is also supporting a large gash on her leg. The peacekeepers take each girl to their cells, and throw them in, the both of them, showing no restraint.  

I squeeze my eyes shut so tight that little star like spots pop up in my inner eyelids. I take a deep shuddering breath, and rest my forehead in between my knees, trying to block out the new smell of blood brought in along with the two girls. This time, I force the sleep to come, not wanting to face the broken states of Johanna and Annie, emotionally and physically. So soon enough, I slip into a nightmare filled dream of Katniss and Haymitch with deep gashes on their legs, and cuts on their heads- reality mixing with reality… 

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