When Monsters Collide

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I feel terrible for not updating. I am so so so so so sorry!! I'm going to try my hardest to update more regularly, even though I am and  have been super duper busy. Sorry once again.   

My head jerks up awake at the sound of screams. They aren't  feminine, so I am assuming Darius- and I'm right. 

I walk up to the front of my cell and peer through the bars. There I see Darius cowering in a corner of his cell, shivering in fear and pleading the Peacekeeper who is standing over him with a gun to his head, to not kill him. My eyes widen in shock, as the Peacekeeper shoots Darius a few times in the stomach, and redirects the gun to his head. 

"Shut up!" The peacekeeper yells at him as he screams in pain at the bullets in his stomach, the light of life already starting to leave his eyes.
"Say your final goodbyes." The Peacekeeper says with a snarl, and pulls the trigger. The bullet whizzes out of the gun, pushing it back a bit with the force. I feel like I see Darius' death in slow motion. The bullet finding home at the side of is head, spurting crimson blood. His eyes falling shut and his last breath exhaling. His muscles relax, and he flops against the wall. 

My mouth is hanging agape, and my eyes flutter close to take it all in. Both the Avoxs, Darius and Lavinia are dead, by the complete doings of the Capitol.  

I stay in that position for about five minutes, sitting on the floor, breathing in the smell of all the fresh and dried blood in this prison. Is this what the Capitol is going to do to each of us in the end. Torture us, beat us, all to conclude with our death by there own hands. But then, what's the wait for everyone other than me? Of course, I'm being used as a public figure to support the Capitol. What about the rest? Annie, Johanna and Enobaria? 

The answer comes to me right after. It's quite clear after all.
Snow knows that the tributes and rebels don't trust him at all, so for the people who do care for the three girls, it's a threat- that Snow has them dangling over their heads, just out of reach, quite much like the situtation Katniss and I are in. 

My eyes snap open when I hear the Prison doors open. I glare at the two general workers that walk in wearing cleaning uniforms. I raise an eyebrow. They aren't peacekeepers, who are the only people who ever even come here, so my wonder as to why they are hear is cleary written over my face. 
They enter Darius' cell, and pick him up. Right. So that's why they're here. To remove Darius' dead body and do who know's what with it. 
While they are taking Darius away, two Peacekeepers walk into the prison and one of them goes over to Enobaria's cell, as the other one comes over to mine. As he (the Peacekeeper) takes my arm and pulls me out of my cell, just as the Peacekeeper who went to Enobaria's cell drags her out, the two take us both out of the prison.

After a short while one of the Peackeeper's takes Enobaria into a room which I remember from my prior visits for beatings. I sigh, completely well aware of what fate awaits her. And as for me, well, I have an assumption that's quite possibly it: another dose of that tracker jacker venom.  

The prospect of getting more of that venom in me terrifies me so much that for the first time after quite a while, I resist- not thinking straight at all. That one Peackeeper man can easily take me down, a beaten up, exhausted, mentaly disabled and and unarmed boy, but obviously I don't think of this in my sudden impulsive lash out. A blow to his stomach from my elbow, and quickly right after, a punch to his face. 
He's taken by surprise, not expecting anything from me. I take this as an opportunity to run away from him, not knowing at all where I should even go. Anywhere, just anywhere away from where I am headed now. 
I absolutely can NOT let them keep on using me like this. 

I hear a gun shot and something slicing through the still air right into the back of my skull as I run. 

I don't feel any type of pain, so I know I've not been shot, despite the very bullet feeling like object imbedded in my head. I've been taken down. No more escaping now. 

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