My name is Elizabeth Green and today I am moving. It is a really long story but here goes.
It was the 28th of March and I was on holiday with my parents. They decided to go for a walk and I, being the awkward teenager, decided that I wasn't going with them. I had no siblings so I figures that a few hours of silence would do me some good. I was always grateful that my parents had never had another child because it meant that I would have to share my things and be nice to them. My dad's sister had twelve children, seven boys and five girls, and she was so stressed it wasn't even funny, except for my dad. He found it hilarious and Christmas was a mix of insults and jokes at their expense. The seven boys fought and the five girls used all her make up and broke all the bottles of nail polish. I decided I should make the most of my holiday and so I pulled out my books to begin studying as after the holidays I would have a few exams. I figured that it was probably better that I didn't as I really didn't want to fail as if I failed I would get moved down in the class list. Also there was the eternal fear of disappointing my parents. Despite having no one to be compared to, I didn't want to let them down.
After the hours I got worried and so I pulled out my phone attempting to phone my parents but they never picked up. I spent that night alone and scared that the last time I saw them was going to be that day.In the morning I called for the police who came to the conclusion that they had been murdered by some kind of animal and a really big one at that. I was told not to go looking for our at all, which only spiked my curiosity towards this creature, what every it may be. Eventually one of the nice police women had to sit with my in the back of a police car as in the following hour I had tried to escape seven times.
I had to stay the night with a couple of police officers in our family cabin. They spent all night trying relatives but all of them didn't want me. I thought that maybe the years of my father's jokes had finally caught up with me. In the morning I felt more alone than I ever had in my life and I did not enjoy it one bit. About 2 hours after breakfast a care taker arrived and basically had to drag me to the car. I hated her and was refusing to leave with her for the fear that my parents would return to the cabin looking for me and panic when I was not there. Yes, I still believed they were alive. After the care taker put a seatbelt across my shivering body I broke down. The tears started to flow down my face and once they started I could not stop them. It hurt me to think that in the last conversation I had ever had with my parents I had not told them that I loved them, or even briefly liked them. I couldn't believe that my parents could be gone and that I regretted that I did not go on that final walk with them and if I had I could have been with them right now. I mean I could be dead but my family would be together and I wouldn't be feeling so rejected about none of my other family members wanting me. The care taker just sat in the front of the car and gave me dirt looks and I knew from them it was all down hill. I hugged my small suitcase of things that I had packed so that my years we minimally hidden as I was ashamed. I never cried. In front of people.
After about half an hour we arrived at the care house that I was staying in for the next couple of nights. When I arrived at the big house I was greeted by a tall lady who introduced herself as Lily. I had to squint at the light just to see her face. She then put her arm around my elbow and helped me up the stairs. She dropped me off at the third room on the second floor. She then left the room and came back in with a pair of pyjamas that she set on the pink bed sheet. I just say on my bed and cried. I usually wouldn't cry but I had never felt so bad before. It was a mix of rejection, hurt, and the loss of the only two people who I knew loved me.
The next morning a woman walked into my room and I felt really nervous because I didn't know who she was. I was really shy around people that I didn't know. She introduced herself as Marianne before snapping at me to get dressed. I got dressed in double time before sprinting down the stairs for breakfast. After a quick breakfast before Marianne sat down Lily and me.
After a really long conversation between Marianne and Lily, and sort of me as I zoned out. I was told by Lily to run up and grab my suitcase. I didn't want to seem rude so I didn't ask what was going on. I quickly ran upstairs and packed up my things. After a few minutes of packing up I ran down the stairs and faced Marianne. That was then I found out that, much to my surprise, I had been adopted by a family. The only thought running through my head was 'if my family does not want me, why do strangers.'
I really didn't want to be fostered by anyone, I just wanted my own parents but that clearly wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I accepted my fate feeling rather disgruntled and confused. Marianne helped me into her car and loaded my suitcase into the back of the boot.
After what felt like a day in the car but it was only three hours I finally arrived at my foster parents house. From what I could see they were outside their house and seemed to be waving and wanting me to enter their home.The only problem was,I didn't want to be there.