Chapter 3: Mixed Signals

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Crashes and shouts filled the studio, a table was flipped and interns cowered. "What part of gluten-free don't you understand!" A young man screamed at a cowering intern. Jessie watched this scene unimpressed, her makeup artist shook as she tried to finish her work. "Hold off on that Kaylee." Jessie swatted the makeup brush away getting up out of her chair. "Samuel you need to calm down." She called as she walked over. Tilting her head just as a water bottle was thrown in her direction. It flew over her shoulder and landed on the ground.

"Really?" Jessie asked cocking an eyebrow, "If only you could be so quick on your lines." Sam spat irritated that the bottle missed its mark. Sam's blue eyes narrowed with hatred as he turned and looked away.

His name was Samuel Rogers and her name was Jessica Walk. They were costars on a popular television show where they played as a pair-bonded couple. Their chemistry on screen was undeniable and they were held up as the ideal couple. But off-screen, Jessie and Sam mixed together about as well as oil and water.

Jessie rolled her eyes at Sam's behavior. "Someone come clean this up." She called before grabbing Sam's wrist and dragging him off. She dragged him to the hallway near her dressing room. "What's your issue?" She asked, the previous quiet Sam glared at her and scoffed.

"What's my issue? Oh is the big bad alpha going to separate me from everyone else so she can force me to tell her what she wants?" He instigated, Jessie felt her eye twitch. "What the fuck does me being an alpha have to do with me asking what your problem is?" She exclaimed.

Sam rolled his eyes, "Oh please everyone presents themselves to you hoping they'll get fucked in the ass by you so they do whatever you want!" Sam accused, Jessie's brows furrowed as she tried to parse what the hell that meant. From what she gathered everyone wanted to have sex with her so they were nice to her?

"People aren't nice to me because they want me to fuck them, Sam. I'm just nice back. That's how it works." Jessie argued back, Sam laughed "Oh so because I'm not some submissive omega I should be treated poorly? I'm allergic to gluten Jessica!" Sam shouted trying to make himself taller than her by standing on the tips of his toes.

Jessie sighed feeling a headache come on. "Look, there's no need to throw things or scream. The intern was new and didn't know." Jessie tried to speak as calmly as possible. "Hell, I didn't even know." She added, Sam let out a scoff, "Of course you wouldn't."

"Well, it's not like you give anyone a chance to get to know you, Samuel. All you do is scream when I'm around." Jessie couldn't help but reply, Sam knew just how to get under her skin. Nothing she could do was ever right. She had no idea what caused him to hate her so much but he acted like she killed his dog. Feeling her headache get worse, she ignored whatever insult Sam threw at her. "Look, I can't do this right now, I have a headache. I'll be out in twenty." She said before walking away heading to her dressing room.

While normally with every step she took away from Sam, Jessie would be relieved. But Jessie found her headache becoming worse. When she finally made it to her dressing room she collapsed on the floor and felt a familiar feeling stir inside of her. Her breathing became heavy and the room filled up with a musty deep cedar smell. Jessie rasped and groaned on the floor feeling herself slipping in and out of consciousness.

She wasn't afraid no matter how scary it seemed, she knew what was going on. She was in rut. With what little logic she still had, she tried to make her way over to her bag to pull out her suppressants but found she lacked the strength to do so. She breathed deeply and could smell every omega within a mile radius. They all smelled disgusting to her and her inner alpha screamed with disappointment. The internal manifestation of her instincts demanded that she find a mate but it was furious that there were no suitable mates around.

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