Chapter 5: Next Door (Part 2)

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The rest of the weekend was quiet. Cameron heard muffled noises coming from Taylor's window that he swore sounded like his name. But he didn't go check instead opting to study for a test on Monday. As he sat there studying, Cameron felt hot again. He had felt this way since Saturday night. It seemed to get worse. Reaching over he turned on his desk fan trying to cool down. But it didn't seem to help. Setting his pencil down he sighed and glared at how bright the lights were in his room. Taking a few deep breaths, he felt his stomach churn.

His eyes landed on his closet thinking about how cool and quiet it was in there. Without thinking too much about it he grabbed some blankets and clothes and began to create a nest inside the small closet. He didn't know how he was doing this; he knew what it was. But no one had taught him how to do this. He smiled at the result seeing a mixture of his blankets with Taylor's clothes tied in. Grabbing one of her jackets he had he put it on and zipped it all the way up. Despite being hot he wanted to wear the jacket. Grabbing the well-loved stuffed animal from his bed he hugged the toy monkey before grabbing a book and a flashlight. Once he was satisfied with his supplies he headed to his closet and curled up. Not noticing the low rumbling sound that came from him as he cuddled into the nest.

The smell of Cotton candy flooded his room, Cameron even noticed the smell. But he didn't care, after all, Taylor said she liked that smell. Cameron squirmed when he thought of Taylor. Burying his nose into the jacket he sighed, he wanted her here right now. Maybe she would know what was going on. At least he'd feel a little better. Then suddenly, a lurch of pain hit Cameron and he let out a scream. Sure, he was dying he couldn't help but sob. He was scared... He wanted Taylor. He heard the door to his bedroom open and then the closet door. His dad stood there worried. "Cameron?" He asked with wide eyes. Cameron didn't pay attention to his dad calling in his mom. He curled up and whimpered. He barely heard the words 'he's in heat' from his mom and it hit him suddenly.

He was an omega.

Cameron had been sure he'd always present as a beta or alpha because that's what all the men in his family had presented as. At least according to his dad. But as Cameron thought about it there was no denying he was an omega. Especially if his health class was to be believed. Whimpering and whining he was only able to calm down when his mom gave him some pain medication and he fell asleep. The next day was much of the same. Cameron's door was locked from the outside to prevent him from trying to run outside to look for an alpha. When his father installed the lock, he heard him exclaiming about Cameron was much too young for that.

Cameron sighed and laid his head on the floor of the closet trying to cool off. He then heard downstairs a familiar voice. It was a bit muffled, but he knew who it was. "Hey, Emily is Cameron, okay?" It was Taylor's voice, she always just called him Cameron around his parents. "He didn't go to school today." He then heard his mom explain what was going on. "Whoa, really? I hope he feels better." He heard Taylor's voice. Then he heard stomping and his father's voice. "You just presented as an alpha right?!" His father's voice was anxious and protective.

"Yeah." Taylor replied, "Stay away from my son!" His father shouted, "Louis!" He heard his mom exclaimed. "Emily all alphas at this age only want one thing!" His father was getting hysterical, Cameron perked up at this. Of course, he understood what that meant but... If all alphas wanted that and Taylor was an alpha. Did that mean that Taylor would want him? A soft trilling noise came from Cameron. "Taylor." He whined rubbing his face against the floor. He wanted to reach through the floor to get her so badly. Cameron then heard the door slam, and his parents have words for each other.

His mom scolded his father for being rude to Taylor. She told him how Taylor was a good girl and was always nice to Cameron. But his father wouldn't hear it and went off on a rant about how young omegas are attacked in the city all the time by alphas. He then started rambling about sending Cameron off to an all-omega school. Cameron rolled his eyes knowing that wasn't going to happen and slowly lifted himself off the floor climbing back into the nest. "Taylor." He mumbled wrapping her jacket tighter around himself.

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