Chapter 6: Duchess

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CONTENT WARNING: Mentions of an abusive relationship

Tight bindings held Eddie in place. He wasn't able to move even an inch, the ball gag in his mouth prevented him from crying out. Drool leaked out from around the ball down his chin. He felt hot and sticky, the sound of music filled the room almost covering up the moans and cries of others in the dungeon. Eddie whimpered when the paddle struck him again his buttock tingled feeling numb at this point. If someone didn't know better they would be worried for his safety. But Eddie wanted to be here, he wanted this.

The Moonlight room was a dungeon that everyone in Diamond City knew about. It was completely anonymous and more importantly, it was a great way to get punished in a safe way. Something that wasn't always the case with some of these clubs. Eddie looked around where he could seeing omegas, betas, and alphas alike engaging in their pleasure. Some partly dressed, others naked, all wearing the same masks.

"Don't get distracted." A low voice growled next to his ear, "I'll punish you more if you do." The alpha that leaned over his body pressed down on the small of his back causing Eddie to whine. He felt himself tingle and clench at this. He had come to this club multiple times. But this was the first time, this was the first time an alpha was able to do these things to him. Everything this alpha did make his body feel like it was on fire.

"Hmmm, you sound needy pet." She whispered in his ear, "Are you needing attention?" She asked, Eddie, felt her hand slide down his naked body to his backside. Eddie already knew of his condition down there. He was sure that this alpha knew as well. He had felt the slick leaking down his legs for the past five minutes. Fingers slid between his cheeks and lightly brushed against his sensitive hole. Eddie let out a cry that was muffled by the gag.

Unlike other alphas, this one, she knew exactly what she was doing. Other dominant alphas were often too rough, getting off on just causing pain. Simply because it made them feel powerful. But this alpha, she seemed to enjoy watching Eddie squirm with pleasure as much as she did pain. They had only been going at it for a few minutes but the line between the two was already blurring and Eddie was turning into mush.

Eddie whimpered and whined behind his gag wanting desperately to talk. The alpha hummed softly, "Oh you want to talk?" She asked softly, the change in tone was different than the demanding tone she had used only before. Eddie nodded glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. "Okay." She replied softly before slipping the gag out of his mouth. Eddie gasped and panted, he looked over at her.

"Is everything okay? Nothing's too tight is it?" She asked leaning close enough for only him to hear. Eddie found himself staring deep into her hazel eyes. "It's fine." Eddie replied after catching his breath, "nothing hurts too bad." He added, she smiled pleased. "Good." She replied, "So what do you need or want?" She asked. Eddie smiled at her, when she was out of character she was so sweet. "I actually wouldn't mind it if you... You know?" Eddie trailed off, he saw a glint of amusement appear in her eyes. "Know what?" She asked innocently.

"You're going to make me say it?" He asked feeling embarrassed, the smile grew on her face. "Communication is important. Now tell me what you want." She purred softly cupping his face. Eddie laughed nervously, "I..." He felt his face grow hot, he had no idea why he was reacting this way. He had sex with multiple alphas, betas, and omegas in this club. Why was this one different? "I want you inside of me." He whispered a pleased look appeared on her face.

"Oh, you felt lonely." She replied, "Don't worry. I'll take care of that." She leaned in close. "I always take good care of my pets." She added her voice getting lower. She kissed Eddie on the lips causing him to whimper, Eddie felt sparks and tingles spread through his body. She was good, this alpha was way too good. Eddie whined when she pulled away, "Hush. I won't hear any complaints." She slipped the gag back into his mouth. "You've obviously been spoiled too much by the others." She remarked trailing her hand along his back as she walked behind him.

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