Chapter 4: Special Project (Part 2)

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Avery nodded and then slowly climbed out of the nest. "So, what would you like for breakfast?" She asked putting on a house robe that hung next to the bed. "Pancakes." Milo blurted out making Avery laugh, "Okay." She said before tossing a house robe Milo's way. "Got this yesterday." She informed him, Avery had put on a dark blue house robe and for Milo, it was a light blue one. Milo slowly slipped it on before climbing out of the nest to follow Avery.

He was a little wobbly in the knees and almost fell but Avery caught him easily. "You alright?" Avery asked, Milo, nodded, "Yeah just a little weak." Milo said with a sheepish smile. Avery returned the smile and helped him into the other room. Sitting him down at the table. Avery began to cook breakfast for Milo and her. As Avery cooked the two of them talked about work and other things. The conversation talked briefly about their family histories.

After all, they were trying to have a kid together. So, it was best to know. "I actually have two moms, one's an omega and the other is an alpha." Avery explained, "My little brother is actually a beta." She added, "Really?" Milo said startled because he hadn't known that about Avery before. "You don't talk about him too much." Milo remarked, "Ah well he's a lot younger than me and he was born after I moved out. So, I never really got to know him." Avery explained. "Got any siblings?" Avery asked as she plated a plate on the table in front of Milo. It was stacked tall with pancakes and a side of bacon.

"I'm an only child," Milo replied as he poured syrup on his pancakes. Then did the same for Avery's after she sat her food down across from him. "Thanks." Avery thanked him; Milo nodded. "No problem." He said setting the bottle down. "So, an only child? Really? I always thought you came from a big family." Avery commented as Milo stuffed a slice of the stack of pancakes into his mouth. Chewing and then swallowing Milo spoke up.

"I had a lot of cousins growing up. They lived next door, so they were basically my siblings. But I was an only child at home." Milo explained before taking a sip of his orange juice. "Ah, that explains it." Avery replied pointing her fork at him, "What?" Milo asked, "You have extraordinarily strong nurturing instincts. You always try to take care of everyone. People with siblings are usually like that regardless of dynamic." Avery informed him before taking a bite from her own food. Unlike Milo, she started with the bacon first.

The two of them continued until around the afternoon. Milo then realized it was time for him to head home. Milo, who by now, had dressed in some clothes that he had previously left over at Avery's for when he crashed there, looked at his phone and sighed. "I should head back home. Lulu's probably out of food and lonely." Milo told Avery who had been sitting next to him on the couch watching a movie. Avery paused and frowned, "... Alright." She said slowly, she got up from the couch and like Milo, she had changed as well. She was wearing a simple light blue dress shirt with some slacks. The two of them got their things and Avery headed out with Milo to her car. While getting ready to leave, Avery had notified Ajax of needing his assistance and he was there by the time they were at the car.

Milo and Avery slipped into the back and Milo had a tote bag filled with the clothes he wore last night, and the daisies were sticking out of them. Inside was the little white cat doll that he had gotten from Avery along with the clothes. Milo found himself leaning on Avery as they rode in the car. He was a little unsure if this was okay but felt better when Avery grabbed his hand and held it. By the time that they had made it back to Milo's apartment, Milo really didn't want to go inside.

Avery clutched his hand tightly; Milo couldn't help but smile. She had been so kind to him, while Milo was sad that this would never happen again. He was happy that he did this. Because he now knew what it would've been like had he and Avery ended up together. Avery walked Milo to the doors of his apartment building, and she was going to continue to walk with him, but Milo stopped her. "It's alright." He said with a smile, Avery clenched her jaw as if wanting to say something but nodded.

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