Chapter 5: Next Door (Part 3)

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It was strange to not have Taylor with him at school and Cameron didn't like it. He had spent the last eight years of his life with Taylor around him for most of the day. To have her away from him for most of the week frustrated him. He didn't feel safe, and he wasn't happy. Sitting at lunch the usual group sat down with him. "How are you holding up little guy?" Chris asked sitting next to him. Cameron sighed and stabbed his fork into the potatoes on his plate. "Well good news is you can see her when you get home," Chris said kindly. While normally Chris would've poked fun at Cameron and at first during this time he did. When Cameron ended up becoming upset to point of tears a couple of days ago Chris backed off and took a different approach.

Megan and Lola sat down across from them, and Cameron spotted Bryan hovering near the table. The shy beta winced when Cameron shot him a dirty look. "Cameron come on, he didn't know Frankie was going to act like that," Megan said with a sigh. Cameron scoffed and turned his head, "Sorry." Bryan mumbled sitting down at the other side of the table furthest away from Cameron. "Frankie's aunt tried to press charges on Taylor." Cameron spoke up, "What?" Lola choked on her drink.

Cameron gave Bryan another dirty look, "Had it not been for Frankie's history of fighting in schools Taylor could've gotten in trouble. She gave him a concussion." He explained, "Holy... Holy shit!" Chris laughed hearing what kind of damage Taylor had done. "That's why I'm mad." He spat at Bryan. Bryan winced and lowered his head. Cameron sighed, "I'm also upset because that's the second time Taylor's gotten hurt because of me." He grumbled. "But she's fine." Megan offered, "She shouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place." Cameron replied.

"I'm really sorry." Bryan spoke up, Cameron sighed, "I know, I'm just being mad for right now. I know it's not your fault." He admitted knowing it wasn't fair to Bryan. He was a shy guy who had an even harder time making friends than Cameron. He was going to have an even harder time especially after trying to reach out to Frankie like that. It was hard being a beta that liked alphas Cameron guessed. Bryan smiled weakly at him, "Are we still friends?" He asked hopefully, Cameron nodded. "Yeah, I just need to be a little mad for a while. Don't take it personally." Cameron said, Bryan seemed to relax hearing this.

Lunch continued and the rest of the day was a blur. Cameron had worried at first that other people would bother him like they tried to whenever Taylor had been sick previously. But no one messed with him. Rumors had spread throughout school that Taylor was extremely jealous and would send someone to the hospital if she thought someone was coming onto Cameron. So, Cameron had a peaceful time, but he felt incredibly lonely and anxious. While everyone wasn't directly bothering him, they did whisper about him and stare. He heard comments about Taylor and Cameron being secretly married or pair-bonded. How they had kids outside of school. How they knew someone who caught him and Taylor doing stuff during free time behind the gym one time.

Cameron wrapped Taylor's sweater around him tighter wanting nothing more than for this day to end.

When it finally did Cameron rushed over to Taylor's house. He didn't even knock, Jenny who spotted Cameron laughed a bit as he ran up the stairs to Taylor's room. He flung the door open and rushed into Taylor's arms. "Oh, hey welcome back from school doll face." Taylor greeted. Cameron closed his eyes and squeezed tightly before noticing he felt more skin than usual. Opening his eyes, he froze realizing that Taylor was standing there in only her bra.

"I was changing," Taylor explained seeing the stunned look on Cameron's face. Cameron couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Like most female alphas Taylor's body was very fit, firm muscles created a very appealing shape to her frame. Cameron who stood a foot or so shorter than her was just above chest height on Taylor. So, he was able to see a lot. "So, you going to let me put my shirt on or?" Taylor asked, Cameron dumbly let go of her and took a step back swallowing dryly. All the complaints about what went on today were thrown from his mind. All he could think about was the fact that Taylor was his girlfriend, and she was so pretty. Taylor slipped on a shirt and glanced over at Cameron whose cheeks were dark red. She smiled before holding her arms open, Cameron stepped forward and the two of them hugged again.

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