Chapter 1: Burned, bread rim

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There's nothing worse than a delicious bread with its edge all burned... but there's nothing more satisfying than having claws to scrape that plight off either; of course, as long as the bread does not complain or plots an altercation against those who meant harm. And what if buns felt the same way when it came to get rid of the sesame seeds? Would it be the same? Perhaps...

What is he up to? The officer, the fireman, the teacher, the cooker, the doctor and the ant were wondering by watching Frederick on the sidewalk rejoicing on his way back home. He was swinging the white, plastic bag he was carrying forward and back, as if the supplies inside were not capable of ripping it away. That huge smile plastered on his snout sensed a won lottery or the promotion they granted him and not the one in the cubicle next door. No! It was one thousand million times better than all those burned, bread edges! And why not to take that joyfulness along towards the supermarket's door? Why not to reward those cameras that record the check-out areas with a wide smile? That was the question: why not?

Suddenly he remembered where he was standing on. Mallory's waiting for me. And then he groomed with one claw his brown fur, dusted off his t-shirt and his shorts. The ant decided to get back home without the leaf the queen ordered him to fetch; being told off was way better than watching that bipolar bear coming back from the grocery store.

When Frederick got home, he wiped the sweat off his forehead and sniffed his armpit to gauge his scent. Well... the smell was worse whenever he finished an argument with his wife. Those were the ruthless days. No wonder anyone would end up eating those burned, bread rims as long as they zipped up those stubborn snouts. Inside, barely stuck in the single couch in the house, was Mallory rubbing the fur on her belly, which was slowly swelling day by day. It was not pretty telling yet, but it was enough for Frederick and for her to think: we're gonna be parents.

There was nothing for Frederick like putting away the bought supplies and then go and splay himself out on the couch with Mallory. He might as well be working on that going out of the country project with his son in arms, because who would not celebrate something like that? But these days were different: he had to be with her, caress her bad days, massage her dismay and seduce her spirit. And she always wanted to make the best of those moments, at least until the pain on her back turned beyond all bearing and yell like it was raining cats and dogs. Frederick was aware of those days coming soon. It was better to spend many sleepless nights watching movies before that God's comeuppance.

But, once again, he had to remember where he was standing on; a little critter on the way could sweet him off his feet as good as a good book would do: they still had to work their butts off for a decent salary. And Frederick was not willing to let them kick his furry ass out of ANNGO. So gird your loins, sonny!

The next mornings, as cold as his homework chair, he proved himself as the most diligent employee, the one that tattooed the company's slogan on him. Even, during Mallory's hysterical months, achieved the award for employee of the month, regardless of dealing with Kevin, one of the best customers ANNGO had ever had and one of the most wrathful ferrets he had ever talked to! If it was up to Frederick, he would have ordered to put a willy through his butt cheeks, but still he had to respect the company's policy and just focus on his aim: call, sell and don't ask!

But he knew that, despite of selling stuff to whippersnappers, the worst part of it was to be the neighbor of that chatterbox for workmate. Why the hell hadn't they fired that amigo yet? He was just a good-for-nothing slob in charge of updating the gossips around. On the top of that mess, Frederick, Mallory and their little baby were found. When Frederick heard about that one, he wondered about what was so special about it: it's just a baby: there's a new one every second. He could just wave his paw dismissively and point them as immature, but it kept turning annoying if they kept pulling, and for free, goofy grins, like implying "they did the delicious one".

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