Chapter 3: Steps to drown an ant colony

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It is quite interesting when we get to see these little creatures' behavior, isn't it? They're seen down on themselves when actually, when studying them, we realize that they're just unbelievable! Regardless of counting with less than an inch for height, they're capable of moving and thinking as a beast. They can emigrate and rebuild new homes as big as a truck. It sounds sort of tiresome assuming such a duty, but the reward is just priceless: domain and expansion. Let's expand these colonies!

   Fortunately for the Oakville habitants, these little villains were not too common to see around like in the jungles in the south of America, so whoever was walking along the main road, they could be sure no colony was working hardly under the asphalt or their house's tiles.

   This was different in Frederick's house, because, for a random luck, Bonnie caught up on the explorer on its way back home. When she felt on the spotlight, she turned around and made her way quickly back into the hole she had emerged from. Bonnie followed her with a clumsy wobbling, as he traced a line on the ground with the drool oozing out of his snout. The ant disappeared into a corner of the concrete backyard, and Bonnie decided to crawl so he could have a better look of the cutie.

   When he reached that dirty and damped spot, he found more minions wandering over a fly on its back. It was dead. Then who was going to waste the opportunity to fetch the queen's lunch? After all only one was meant to rule. Bonnie stared at them in awe, and why wouldn't he? If that fly was ten times bigger and fatter than these ants. It was nothing to hamper their assignment.

   Bonnie stretched his stout arm and reached with one finger one of these ants' back. The ant set it off everywhere like crazy, followed by her comrades, leaving behind their lying meat on the ground. Bonnie got puzzled for that behavior, but what really got him was this urge of making them leave their house.

   There are plenty of ways to make ants flee from their homes. One of them is to destroy thoroughly or partially their shelters; this does get on their nerves, but their problem's core dawns on looking for another place to stay instead of annihilate the wolf that blew away their house. It is quite easy to convince all of them to hit the road, but to find the perfect zone was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and much worse if urbanization was a bump on the road.

   These poor things started paying the price for existing in Frederick's house: Bonnie started blowing right into the hole to get them out, but this just sent away the helmets and lances the guardians were bearing. They started looking like Frederick during those nights when Bonnie would not stop whining and squealing: cursing and swearing at that vulgar beast, willing to strangle it but with a will as weak as the beast itself. What else was left for the guardians to do? Take that in and focus on their job.

   So then it occurred to Bonnie: fill up that corner's emptiness with some water. Boy, how delightful was to be rewarded with useful epiphanies! And even better to Bonnie, who did not need of his dad and aunt Chyna to extract it from his intellect.

   With his expectations as high as heaven, he tried and run back home to fetch a glass of water. The house had once again that bitter and stuffy ambience, but that just was the bread on the table. Bonnie was already accustomed to that. He wobbled to the living room to find Frederick sat on his homework chair, the television on, the couch with many chips bags and aluminum cans surrounding it. Not knowing to difference between good and bad beer, he picked up a brown, round bottle and headed back. How lucky! Frederick did not notice his presence; for sure this chunky guy ate a lot and fell asleep.

   Bonnie hobbled back toward the corner where the ants were; the hunters went out again to get that dead fly, but decided to abort the mission when Bonnie's diaper appear in the corner of their eyes. He got on his knees and saluted back that hole that swallowed and spitted out these hard workers.

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