Chapter 2: Which pimple squeeze?

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All of us, some day in life, have had the visit of those enemies called pimples. And they're not just annoying and uncomfortable, but they're the main attraction over our face. Who is going to care about the perfect make up some cute girl got to do if her face was more pimple than face? So to get back their attention to us, the first and most efficient way to do it is to squeeze it, right? It goes away immediately and that's it! What a dream if that was that easy... but our marks don't discriminate.

   On that night, Frederick drowned into two huge pimples brewed out of hatred, rancour and woe stored inside of him, and he knew perfectly which one he had to pop, regardless of the permanent mark. He did not care, for things could just die once. His world died twice, what was so different from thrice?

   As it was expected, Frederick hopped in that rusty car of his with that little, purple rabbit and drove toward ANNGO. It was already sort of late, but he knew that punk of Bonifacio worked until late. How about a quick visit? After all he was already presentable with a neat suit; nobody was going to catch him in his undergarments or shirtless.

   Waiting outside ANNGO did not seem like an option, because there were too many witnesses around; nothing Frederick cared about. Why the poop would it matter if they saw him playing with Bonifacio around? He did not care about anything anymore, because everything was over. Since it was night, nobody hampered his way toward the floor he worked at. With every stomp he took, he felt like he was gaining more momentum to shatter some bunny's face.

   When he entered the room with cubicles for hallways, he hastily made his way toward his, because Bonifacio's was right in front of it. Oh no! Where was he? If he always worked here at this hour. The coward knew what was going to happen and decided to start a new life? Of course!

   "Idiot!" Frederick yelled at himself, "blind ass! I'm an idiot!"

   In that moment, somebody came out of the bathroom found in one corner of the room. One of the bunches of co-workers Frederick did not know came out while readjusting her skirt, as she glanced meticulously from right to left; she was not even being that meticulous if she did not spot Frederick standing in his cubicle. Afterward Bonifacio came out while grooming the damped fur around his head with his claw.

   Just like a wolf about to pounce, Frederick's fur started getting spiky. His nails stuck out of his paws and a vicious growl was brewing in his throat. In just a few seconds he ran and had already pinned Bonifacio against the floor. He did not respond to that attack for his distraction: the lady next to them. She tried to scream but refrained and covered her snout with her paw instead.

   "What the...!?" Bonifacio complained under Frederick's body.

   That lady ran away. Frederick started swearing and jabbing right onto Bonifacio's face. These punches even rumbled on the floor, despite of being covered with a thick carpet. Bonifacio stopped one of his fists with one paw and mirrored Frederick's attitude. That punch sent him to the floor. So then Bonifacio got up and commanded an explanation about this. Aside from evil, hypocrite, wasn't he?

   "I'M NEVER GONNA FORGIVE YOU!" Frederick hollered.

   Nobody had any clock nearby to measure how long their scrap was, but considering their stomachs growling and how sore their eyes felt, anyone would have said it was a matter of hours past midnight.

   They both were found with swelling faces and lots of purple bruises—purpler in Bonifacio's case—in one of the many cubicles around. Other supervisor of the plant arrived at the scene and, as they all expected, even Frederick, thanked them for making such a laudable fuss, and they both left ANNGO forever.

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