Chapter 6: Cops and robbers

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It's no secret that people go for having their windows and doors shut down all night long to keep jackers away and receive the visit of Anti-Saint Nicholas. It was reasonable: nobody should let their windows and doors opened while they are asleep, because they don't know if they are going to see their jewelry or television the next day. Why is it that these people keep getting away with this against the apparently good people? To freeze them was as hard as making sure more people was not going to turn into them eventually. There is no guarantee about it. It is just hoped for schools and families to change those burglar's minds and get them back on good people's track.

   But... who even cared about those ethic violations when one had the opportunity to knock Springtrap down while he was fleeing everywhere around the playground? Whenever he felt like it, he started picking on Bonnie about that new girl that joined their classroom and wouldn't stop fumbling with his floppy ears. They're so long and fluffy, she said as if praising strangers was as common as can be. So then Springtrap found out the perfect gun to tease Bonnie as much as he pleased.

   Mmm... then this was not near to a friendly Cops and Robbers game, but a greenish rabbit hunting season. That's swell, Bonnie! Get that whippersnapper!

   He caught him eventually, but they both agreed on the idea that it was more fun if they chased each other for playing Cops and Robbers, and not for the sake of Bonnie's dignity.

   "But she is your girlfriend, right?" he asked again with that obnoxious tone.

   "I said she's not!" Bonnie squealed in the middle of the playground.

   If those times when Dad punished Bonnie for making things wrong did not exist, he would have dared punch Springtrap right in his snout to shut him up. Yes, Bonnie, despite Springtrap's nasty attitude, did not want him to live what he faced during his early childhood. Who would guarantee Bonnie that Springtrap's dad was not a depressed fatso thanks to his dead wife too? Maybe it was unfair to talk smack if he did not know if he had shackles weighing him down.

   That thought got lost thanks to the bell's ringing, which signed all of them the end of this day of school.

   Bonnie grabbed his backpack and headed out with Springtrap. He had a little desire of spotting Chyna outside with her same black outfit amidst the sea of parents. As soon as she peered through to see Bonnie, she would say "over here, Bonnie", and they both would walk back home; just until the corner, huh, because Chyna did not want Frederick to realize about her taking care of Bonnie from a little farther. Why would he get mad at her about that? If Frederick did not want him around, then why did he get angry when Chyna tried to make up some of his necessities? That was hurtful to her: this fostered an upsetting and impotence feeling. She had her hands tied; she perfectly knew she could not just snatch Bonnie away from there just like that.

   Those thoughts perished after Bonnie wandered among the parents ocean for more than five minutes and did not see Chyna around. Then... maybe she'd not come along. Boy, another day walking home alone.

Regardless of not actually being behind iron bars, Frederick felt like he was sliding out through them. Accepting the fact that this had happened was not that easy, not even for the one inside of him that liked to lie whenever he felt like killing an awkward situation. Well, he had already taken the very first step, right? And if he did it by his own, then that was what his heart actually longed for: peace, freedom and forgiveness. He had finally gotten rid of those painful handcuffs, he had stripped off of that orange outfit, he... he had lost his appetite!? How was that even possible?

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