I'm finally back!

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Dear readers,

I can't even find the words to apologize to you for leaving you with half-told stories and promises left in the air. I truly offer you my biggest apologies.

My life has changed quite a bit, and I see myself at a point where the coming years will be decisive for me: for my personal life, for my professional life, and more.

However, since I would still like to share more of my personal projects that I posted on this platform (such as my books and my drawings), I've created an account on X (before known as Twitter) where I'll be more in touch with you. There, I'll be sharing a bit more about myself and my projects, in case you're interested in knowing about me and what's up with my life ha ha.

Throughout these days, I'll be posting the links to my profile on other social media: Facebook, Instagram, etc. But for now, I'll be more active on my X account. You'll also find the following link in the description of my profile:


Again, a thousand apologies for all this time I haven't been active on the platform. I hope to see you on my other social networks.

Have a good day c:

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