Chapter 8: What is life for you?

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Life is not like videogames crack it up to be: if one dies once, there will be no such thing as respawn so the player gets to redo and solve their mistakes. It's not about using life like a pair of shoes that wear out due to the rugged asphalt and are thrown away eventually when they are not physically appealing anymore either. Lives cannot be multiplied nor traded, but only that: they can be lived, just like God may want bears, felines, canines, birds... to do so once they spawn on Earth. Life is not a boxing bag to unleash hatred every time circumstances kicked the poop out of it; just destiny was the one allowed to have those luxuries, but the person themselves should not. Life is more than that... If only it was that easy to understand its real value and the doors it opens for the ones resting on its hammock.

   Then why was God taking lives away from people if he was the one granting them? Only the one capable of seeing him at eye level could get the answer. The rest have to pray for a blurry and succinct path. There it was, it was just a matter of believing and trusting in oneself. But then... this VIP pass for life did not depend on him, but on the one bearing it. God was not going to hold out his hand to catch the pass that slipped out and put it back into the person's pocket. Then it was better to zip up even the pockets.

   Anyone would wish all the people counted with those zipped pockets... But nobody was away from tragedy. Nobody. Just like that: no one. God has the ability to watch upon us and choose who needs to set it off, just like one is used to sort seeds from the right and wrong kind. Maybe the justification was there, but no mortal would understand the why of his arbitrary decision. Or maybe this sorting-seeds affair was merely up to that black-dressed, thin ma'am.

   When that person is victim from those cold and skinny hands, the rest of people have to pay for the debts held. Why would they want to keep them up for so long? Life did not like that, and obviously neither did these people. Then why to create that horrible bond? This does not disturb the madam in black anyway, so these people could debt themselves as much as they pleased for all she cared. Debts do not shield one from her scythe, but boy!, how bad they hurt sanity!

   Frederick could not escape from bringing debts up that attached him and his dead wife: there were debts to pay. He had the chance to restart his damaged life, but the venom these debts ooze did a number on it: diabetes and high blood pressure were bearable anyway, right? A doctor could assign an adequate treatment so the VIP pass did not disintegrate from this person's paw. Frederick's needed crutches to walk now, but it still stuck around, inside his pocket and zipped all the way up.

   It hurts, yes, quite a lot. One could think people cannot imagine how ruthless it hurts and how appealing sounded the idea of locking oneself into their bedroom and just do what seemed to lessen the pain. This was not precisely to keep away people for pestering around, but to hide the weenie that lived inside the one they all believed was made out of stone and nothing cracked them. Of course it was not like that! Crying is ok, it's fair, man! And the one that thought the opposite was because the skinny ma'am had not come for a visit, unfortunately. Nobody would want to mess with the dark gal, for her feedbacks could make one end up crippled, deaf, blind, obese, mute or even like a psycho. It was up to her to jab or punch whenever she felt like it, so better not to tease.

   Fortunately, one was never alone when it comes to keep walking and leaving behind what was once. There is so much more forward, and it is just reachable if one cut the leashes attached to the past. But it was not that easy to cut them, was it? And worse if there was no knife around. The good news is that they can be cut, of course they can! It just came down to will and force, a lot, a lot of force. Frederick took four years and ninety pounds to find it, so clearly these things did take time.

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