Yo ~_~

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Hey everyone I hope y'all are doing good.
Uhhh well this is where I tell you I won't be continuing this story.

I've lost this story a long time ago but thought it would come back to me

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I've lost this story a long time ago but thought it would come back to me.

My only idea that I had going was having Rose Gold help Endeavor get better at publicity stuff. And she was gonna be there when that Nomu attacked him and Hawks and Hawks had stopped talking to her because he wanted to keep her safe from what he was doing but here she was and it was gonna be angsty and awkward cause rose gold was ready to choose Hawks but then he just ghosted her and endeavor was gonna be there like 🧍‍♂️

Idk who she would have ended up with in the end you choose your own king, queen. (Or maybe you rather choose a Queen or maybe yourself 😌)

Anyway I do have other news.
I have two new stories I'll be posting that I have pre written many chapters already so hopefully it won't be too difficult to post weekly yay.

First one of course it's another mha one with 17 pre written chapters just waiting to be published (idk when I'll be publishing once a week or something.)
It's called "Old Me" and it's about an orphan girl wanting to be a hero but has a deadly quirk that's honestly OP.
I'm aware there's not much uniqueness there lmao but I like it. There's no set romance but there's a bit of cuteness with Todoroki Bakugou and Shinsou. I want a bit of cuteness with everyone really.

My 2nd one is a jujutsu kaisen one that I've pre written up to the manga 👍 it's called "kissaphobic" like the song yes
That's just about an OC with yes another OP curse technique but she is kinda dumb so she has that against her how sad.
That's an InumakiXOC but yep she does have something with Megumi and Kamo and just a sprinkle of Itadori
That one has been fun to write

Also I've realize all of these stories including *SPOILER* a boy from the past dying.....I wonder what that says about my mental state....

ANYWAY sorry again if you enjoyed this story and sorry I never really responded to comments my anxiety would go crazy lmao and I think I said this last time but I'm gonna try and be better at seeing comments and interacting more

ANYWAY sorry again if you enjoyed this story and sorry I never really responded to comments my anxiety would go crazy lmao and I think I said this last time but I'm gonna try and be better at seeing comments and interacting more

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