☆Packing Up Everything ☆

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Waking up I immediately sat up. It was dark, but I managed to put together the fact I was in a hospital room, covered in bandages. Arms, legs, torso, around my head. Not feeling a lot of pain I figured I was on a lot of meds. Putting a hand on my forehead and through my hair I tried to recall everything.

"You're awake." A voice I recognize as All Might said. I looked over to my left and sitting on that bed was All Might. "I'd appreciate it if we'd stop spending time in hospitals like this."

With tears in my eyes I smiled at him. "I'm glad you're okay All Might...I'd go and hug you but I don't think I can walk."

"It's alright Y/N I'm just glad to see you awake." All Might said.

"My heads killing me....what happen." I asked.

"Well...after everything settled in the camp we figured out they had taken Bakugou and Ragdoll." All Might began "Midoriya said you flew after Bakugou."

"Yea I remember that. We were in some bar...I tried to grab him and fly but..." I held my head in my hand. "I couldn't save him."

"He's safe now Y/N." All might said.

Looking down at my hands that were on my lap I felt a bit defeated that I couldn't help him. Then I remembered someone else.

"What about Ragdoll. They sent me away from the bar and I remember holding her." I asked.

He looked at me with sad eyes. "He took it....he took her quirk."

"DAMN IT!" I yelled. " this is my fault. Why do I keep doing this. I shouldn't have left her. I left her in the woods alone, I left Bakugou in the bar, I left Leo alone in that house." I said with tears streaming down my face. "Even Theo...he was quirkless and I knew that and I still left him alone with the villain." I rubbed my face to clean up my tears. "What else."

"All For One...we captured him." My eyes widen as he said that.

"That's right." I said. " I remember some of that."

"It's not over yet though." All might said. " Shigaraki got away as well as his other members. Detective Tsukauchi and Gran Torino will be coming in the morning to discuss more. So get some rest."

Nodding I laid back now and tried to rest.

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