☆ Annoying ☆

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Warning there is I guess very sensitive material? Idk if I should warn about it or if it's not that big of a deal. I was gonna write it in more detailed but I don't think it was necessary and also might make me look like a crazy person 😅 I did put ⚠️ around the little part so you can skip over it if you'd like.


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"Rising to stardom at such a young age how do you do it Rose Gold!" The interviewer asked.

I was at yet another talk show. This part of the job always bored me. They all ask the same question over and over and over again.

"I don't know. I just try my best." I answered with a smile on my face.

After a few more questions I was off air. I thanked the host and proceeded to walk towards the exit with my assistant on my tail.

"Please tell me I'm done for the day Sidra." I asked. "I'm so tired."

"Come on Rose Gold you know you love the attention." She says with a sly smirk. "What is it that you always say. SECRETS ARE FOR THOSE WHO ARE TERRIFIED OF VILLAINS." She says as she does a hero stand.

"I don't sound like that." I chuckle.

"Am I Wrong though. You love to have your whole life out there like it's nothing.  I think that's pretty brave." Sidra says.

"Is this your way of trying to get me to get you a raise?" I question.

"Perhaps..." She says.

"How about we talk about this tomorrow. Go home rest." I say as I give her a pat on the head.

"Aye aye captain." She says before walking off. And I head straight home.

Coming home I noticed the lights were off. 'That's strange?' I thought I remembered my husband being home.

I walked into the darken house taking my shoes off while I yelled into the void.

"Hello? Honey you home ?"

I slide on my slippers as I walk more into the darkness. I felt someone behind me. As soon as a hand was on my shoulder I let my wings out hitting whoever was behind me.

Hearing a familiar voice say ow I scanned the wall for the light switch just in time to see my husband rubbing his head.

"LEO! What the hell you know not to sneak up on me." I said as I rushed over to him to check where I hit him.

"Just checking your reflexes. Glad they're still on point."

"I'll get some ice." I said walking towards the kitchen.

"Huh oh wait don't go in there." I hear Leo yell as I open up the door of the kitchen. There I see a candle light dinner with candles and rose petals.

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