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"So that's it? We stop investigating? He's using human blood that's means someone's in danger no?"

Y/N was currently pacing her apartment while she's on the phone with Zahur.

Lots has happen this passed week. After helping in the drug bust the head boss had killed himself in jail before they could interrogate him. So now they have no lead on the one who's selling the better drug. She offered to investigate it herself but Zahur said another agency was already working on it.

Then there was the Nomu attack. As well as the hero killer. 3 of the students of UA were injured.

"Just step down Y/N. I gave your name to the agency if they need you they'll contact you." Zahur said.


"There is no proof of that. For all we know that man could have been lying. He was a criminal."

"It's just....it's a gut feeling. This is bad Z." Y/N said as she finally sat down on her couch.

There was silence on the other line for a few seconds. The next sound was Zahur breathing heavily.

"Get to school. Distract yourself. It's not your problem anymore. Focus on your students."

"Just...tell me the agency."


And the line went dead.

A meow could be heard from behind Y/N.

"Yea he is a dick." Y/N said. She soon got herself up and starting heading out to school.

"How was it supervising a child during a drug bust?" Present mic cheerfully asked Rose Gold.

Rose Gold sat in the teachers lounge with her head on the table lost in her mind. After some time Present Mic spoke again.

"That bad?"

"No. It wasn't bad. I mean he lost an arm but I'm pretty sure that builds character or something." Rose Gold said.

Present Mic looked confusingly at her not sure if she was telling the truth. Rose Gold looked up and noticed his face.

"Sorry. I'm fine just the drug bust and the three students getting injured the nomu attacks. So much happening and it all seems to happen surrounding the U.A." Rose gold said sitting up and leaning back on the chair with her face facing up. "Plus my stomachs been doing jumps. Bad feeling about I don't even know."

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