☆ Peace ☆

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"High kick!" I yelled.

Currently I'm trying to get to work on time but I saw some guy try and steal a woman's purse so I thought a quick stop wouldn't hurt.

I threw my feather daggers pin the guy on the wall.

"Cops will come soon. But I gotta get going. Big teaching job today." I said as I flew back up into the sky.

As I flew lost in my thought about today's class I bumped into someone's shoulder. Which was a bit odd when you're flying. I turned to see another feathered human. His wings were a gorgeous red.

After a while I realized we were just starring at each other.

"Ermmm sorry for bumping into you..."I sheepishly said while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Hawks the names Hawks." He said with a smile and a hand reached out towards me to shake.

Damn that smile.

"R-Rose Gold." I said looking away as I felt my face heat up I shook his hand.

He flew close and towards were I've looked away.

"I haven't seen you flying around these parts before! You new?" He asked curiosity filled his eyes.

"Um yea I'm from America I just moved here." I said.

"Why'd you move here?" He asked.

To get over my past.

"Oh I'm teaching at UA. Well half teaching half protecting the school. Which reminds me I better get going." I said floating away from him slowly.

"Right. Catch you in the sky's Feathers." He said with a wink before flying off.

I floated in place for a while starring at where he flew off before continuing flying towards UA.

He reminds me of him.

"Can you really keep that form for the whole class time?" I asked All Might as we walked towards 1-A.

"Do not worry young Y/N I know my limits." He said. Before opening the door of 1-A "I HAVE COME IN THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE NORMAL!"

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