The Wish

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Many times have I dreamed. Many times I wished. But now, it all came true.


    I just came home from school, dropped off my bookbag and threw off my shoes. I went up the drafty stairs, up to my room. As I pushed open my door, a smile leapt  across my face to see my two guitars. My electric Peavey, and an old pink acoustic. And watching over them  was my role model- Mr. Jimmy Page. As I looked around my room, that was full of horse ribbons and knick knacks. There were scattered Led Zeppelin pictures. But I stopped when I got to the “Jimmy Page wall” I walked towards it, and I stopped. I closed my eyes, and I wished as hard as I could. I wished to meet him, I wanted to meet Jimmy Page, I wanted to live his moment. As I opened my eyes, I was startled when I was strangely closer to the wall.

    Just ignoring it, I went over and picked up my electric guitar, flipped on the amp, hearing a quiet buzzing. I closed my eyes. And started to strum. As I played the first intro, I started to sing.        “ Measuring a summer’s day, I only find it slips away to gray.” My fingers were singing in harmony. My picking and the placing of my fingers were in sync. But it was now four. I had to clean the horse stalls.

    As I went downstairs, I looked outside. It was lightly snowing, it was rather beautiful, the ice gently covered the trees and the branches, they looked just  like crystals. I went to the table, and grabbed my ipod shuffle, and turned on “Stairway To Heaven” I threw on my jacket and my boots. I went to my dad and I told him ” I may take longer today, so don’t worry.” I stepped outside and the snow nipped my nose, as I got into the barn, I started to think about my wish. I could just imagine myself running to Jimmy and hugging him, telling him how much he meant to me as a role model and an idol.

    As I was singing “Stairway to Heaven” and shoveling my horse’s waste, there was a rather bright flash outside and I heard galloping hooves and a blast of wind, then it was normal. I dashed out of the barn to see what happened. Everything looked normal, but when I looked down, I saw a guitar pick. I picked it up and put it on my pocket, and went back into the horse stall. After a short instrumental part in “Stairway to Heaven” I started to sing again, harmonizing to Robert Plant’s voice. I closed my eyes while I was singing and thought of my wish. And  then, I stopped singing.

    I opened my eyes, but I wasn’t in my horse barn. It looked like some of hotel room. I coughed and moaned, I had a terrible headache. I felt like  I was spinning. Everything was spinning, but then there was a voice. “ Hey, are you alright?”  I pushed up my elbows so I could sit up. It was only me and this figure in my room. I was a little embarrassed when a couple of tears escaped my eyes from the pain. I felt something warm gently push me down and calmly saying.” You are going to be ok. I just want you to get some rest. Ok?” I slowly nod my head, and I started to sweat. The figure took off my winter coat, that revealed a Led Zeppelin two shirt. I heard water running, and then a cold cloth was placed on my head. As I smiled, I fell into a deep sleep.   

    I woke up feeling much better, but very confused. I could see clearly now, which startled me. There were now three figures, they were all men. I let out a little gasp, and pushed myself against the bed frame. “Hey, it’s alright. How are you feeling?” I man said to me at my feet. I tried to talk, but there was a lump in my throat. “Y-your Robert Plant!” I said with excitement. I looked around the room, “And you’re John Paul Jones, and you’re John Bonham!” I looked around with excitement, but then with  disappointment. “Where’s, ummm, where’s Jimmy?” I quietly said. Right after the last word slipped out of my mouth. Then the comforter on my bed jumps in the air and Jimmy yells” I’m right here!”  I jumped at least two feet in the air with a high pitched scream. As I landed they all laughed, and even I laughed a little. As I closed my eyes, just for a couple seconds, I felt something on my back. I shot my eyes open and saw a wave of black.

    I was more than confused, I tried to look around, but the only thing that I could see was the wave of black, and an orange dragon. Without knowing what to do, I wrap my arms around the dragon, and I felt a body, now my face was past the black sea, and I could see, John Bonham, John Paul Jones, and Robert.  I mouthed to John Paul Jones. “ Where is Jimmy?”And he gave a faint smile and pointed behind me. I was hugging Jimmy Page.

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