I don't want to go

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I fell asleep on Jimmy’s cot. It has been six hours, so it was now nine. I faintly heard the door open. I felt the cot sink, I rubbed my eyes open. “Jimmy?” “Yeah, it’s me. You crashed.” He said to me laying down.I closed my eyes again and practically passed out. I felt something around my abdomen and hips. I opened my eyes a little bit. Jimmy was carrying me out to the car. He gently put me in the backseat next to Robert. “What the hell did you do to her Pagey?” “Nothing.” Jimmy said closing the door. He then set my head on his shoulder. “That’s not what I saw. They were definitely doing something on the cot.” Bonzo said. “Listen, all of you. She’s not a groupie. She’s my girlfriend. And she’s only 18, well actually 13. I would never do something that crazy to her, when she is this young.” Jimmy said, then looking down at me. “I’ve never felt this loved before.”


    I felt warm. I opened my eyes, I was covered in blankets. Tonight, I was going home. I looked over at Jimmy, who was sleeping soundly. I swung my legs over the bed and got up. I walked across the room quietly to find a pen and paper.

“Jimmy, I know you and the band are pretty stressed out about the concert. I’m not saying I hate you, or I’m leaving you. I’m, well, I don’t know. I’m just going home for a little bit. I don’t know when I’ll come back. But trust me, I’ll miss you every minute. Go show them who is best. Have fun at the concert. Maybe there will be a surprise.Love you


    I started  to tear up when I put it on his pillow. I grabbed my dress and the guitar pick. I closed my eyes and wished I was home. I fell over into sawdust. I was back home. “Stairway to Heaven” was on, and I broke down in tears when I heard Jimmy’s guitar. “Oh, Jimmy! I miss you already!” I finished mucking the horse stalls and brought the horses in. And I went straight to bed.

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