With Him

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Heat spread over my body, it rushed into my ears and in my neck. My cheeks turned bright pink and I buried my head in his hair, and one of my tears crept down his neck. He patted my back. And he sat back. “ Are you alright?” he said. I looked at him and then in the room to see that it was just me and him. “ Yeah, I guess. Just a little Dazed and Confused.” at the end I let out a giggle. And so did he. I cross my legs on the bed and look down at my pocket, and pulled out the guitar pick. I looked up to see his face getting closer. I looked down quickly and looked at the pick. Engraved in it was “ Love is never too young.” I said it out loud. And I looked up at Jimmy. His hazel eyes were lullabying me, they were calming me down. He said “ I’ve been watching you, I have been waiting for you. I’ll see you in the morning.” He hugged me again and opened the door,he looked back at me with a glistening smile, and closed the door. And I just smiled, laughed, and fell asleep.

    It was early in the morning, and I was still tired. I got up and went to the window, and pulled back a little bit of the curtain back to see New York City and the twin towers. Then I looked back in the hotel room. John Bonham, John Paul Jones, and Robert all had separate beds, but I looked at my bed to see Jimmy covered in blankets sleeping. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped. Was I going to live my dream? I decided to go back to bed, because I was going to spend a day with Led Zeppelin. I pulled the covers up and I slipped under the blankets. As I closed my eyes, I felt a hand around my abdomen, and pulled me closer. I smiled and held his hand , and I felt safe with him. The same saying was still lingering in my head “Love is never too young.”

    “Why would you do that?” “I’m so sorry! I didn’t do anything!” I screamed. The figure towering over me held up a whip and whipped me until I bled. Tears, hot, and streaming down my face stung when they got into the the cuts. “Now you will die!” I was now screaming, and sobbing. “Meredith, are you ok?” I gasped for air. My eyes were blurry and puffy from the tears. “Oh Jimmy.” I say crying and hugging him. “Hey, you’re fine, I’m here now. You just had a bad dream.” He was now stroking my hair gently to calm me down. He put his chin on the top of my head. “What happened? I’m not myself!” I got up from the bed and  looked in the mirror. I was now eighteen. “You’re just as beautiful as ever though.” he said casually, but he was blushing. And I was too.

    “Hey Jimmy? I don’t want to sound greedy, but do you have any extra clothes? I just have these.” I say rubbing the back of my head. “ I thought you would never ask.” He says, standing up and walking towards a chest. He looked over his shoulder to look at me and he gestured me over with his hands. I walked over slowly, and I knelt on my knees to get a better look. He opened the chest to reveal practically matching outfits to him, just with more hips, and more feminine. “Jimmy, these are amazing! I could’ve just stayed in a bathrobe!” I jump into his arms and squeeze him lovingly. “Go try one on.” I looked at the crate full of clothes and pulled out the black dragon dress. I folded it gingerly in my hands and ran to the bathroom to change.

    I was standing in the bathroom with just my jeans and tanktop on. I look at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess, I smelled, and my breath was bad. I heard the hotel room door close and Jimmy was gone. I got in the shower, washed my hair-which was now a sleek, orange red color, shaved,and washed my body. I got out of the shower, and I looked around in the medicine cabinet. There was an extra toothbrush. So I used it. My hair was now poofy and smelled like strawberries. I brushed my teeth and my mouth was flooded with minty freshness. Then I looked at the dress. I took a deep breath, and pulled the dress over my head. I looked amazing. The orange dragon wrapped around my hips. There was a star on one of my breasts, and on the back, there was another dragon and flowers near my hips, and scattered silver planets and stars down by my thighs. But there was a zipper in the back that I couldn’t reach. There was a knock on the door. “Meredith?” Jimmy said quietly. “Hey Jimmy, can you come in here?” When he walked in, his face turned into a big smile. “ You look amazing. Is it too big? It looks a little loose in the back.” He said worried. I walk towards him and I was now as tall as him, or almost there. I wrapped my arms around his waist. He put his hands on my back and zipped up the zipper. Now to dress was at a right tightness to show how skinny I was and showed my figure better.I looked into his eyes, and pulled him closer. He gently touched my cheek, and pulled me to his lips. And I did the same.

    His lips were warm and moist. I could feel him breathing. My heart was beating so fast though, I swore it was going to burst out of my chest. He grabbed my hips tighter and pulled me closer until I felt like I was going to become one with him. He slowly pulled his lips away, and I let out a quiet, small moan. We stared into each others eyes, and we both smiled. I think we both blanked out, his hands were still on my hips when Robert pulled open the door. Jimmy took one of his hands off of my hips, and looked Robert straight in the eyes. “Listen, we just had Chinese food, can you hurry up please?” Robert said doing a little dance that made me giggle. “Yeah. Yeah Percy just hold on.” Jimmy said sternly. The door closed. He put his hand back on my hip and kissed me again. And then he let me get ready for the day.

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